[ 复数 boxes或box 第三人称单数 boxes 现在分词 boxing 过去式 boxed 过去分词 boxed ]
语言层次的面向对象 我们一般要描述一个对象,一般需要描述这个对象的一些属性,比如盒子(box) 是一个实体,它有 6 个面,有颜色,重量,是否为空等属性,并且可以放东西进去,可以取东西出来。
...,WALL E就会自动抓起一个垃圾箱,将箱子对准目标后,目标周围会有红圈出现,此时就可以砸向目标了。 躲避障碍物 只需将WALL E变成箱子(BOX)的状态就可以越过一些栅栏等障碍物了,在越过障碍物的途中不要松开O键。
...ML2.0教程6:简单几何节点 VRML 中定义好了四种简单的常用几何节点, 所有的VRML 浏览器都支持对它们的显示, 它们是: Box (长方体)、Cylinder (圆柱) 、Sphere (球) 和Cone (圆锥) 长方体节点(Box)是最简单的几何节点之一。
black box [生态] 黑箱 ; 黑盒子 ; [航] [航] 黑匣子 ; [计] 黑盒
Music box 八音盒 ; 音乐盒 ; 音乐盒子
post box 邮箱 ; 邮筒 ; 信箱 ; 邮政信箱
junction box [电] 接线盒 ; [电] 接线箱 ; [电] 分线盒 ; 分线箱
The Box 盒子 ; 聚宝盒
box model 盒模型 ; 盒子模型 ; 盒子模式 ; 框模型
Blue Box 蓝盒子 ; 蓝盒 ; 蓝箱
Letter box 信箱 ; 信报箱 ; 邮筒
"he rummaged through a box of spare parts"
"the royal box was empty"
同义词: loge
"he gave her a box of chocolates"
同义词: boxful
同义词: corner
"the flowchart contained many boxes"
同义词: boxwood
"the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter's box"
"an armed guard sat in the box with the driver"
同义词: box seat
"the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold"
"I gave him a good box on the ear"
"box the gift, please"
同义词: package
"I'll box your ears!"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A box is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides. Boxes often have lids. 盒子; 箱子
He reached into the cardboard box beside him.
They sat on wooden boxes.
N-COUNT You can use box to refer to a box and its contents, or to the contents only. 一盒的量
She ate two boxes of chocolates.
N-COUNT A box is a square or rectangle that is printed or drawn on a piece of paper, a road, or on some other surface. 方格
For more information, just check the box and send us the form.
N-COUNT A box is a small separate area in a theatre or at a sports arena or stadium, where a small number of people can sit to watch the performance or game. 包厢
Jim watched the game from a private box.
N penalty box的缩写 → short for penalty box
N-COUNT Box is used before a number as a mailing address by people or organizations that rent a post office box. 邮箱
...Country Crafts, Box 111, Landisville.
N-UNCOUNT Box is a small evergreen tree with dark leaves that is often used to form hedges. 黄杨 [oft N n]
...box hedges.
V to put into a box 放入盒中或箱中
V-I To box means to fight someone according to the rules of boxing. 拳击
At school I boxed and played rugby.
N a punch with the fist, esp on the ear 用拳打出的一击
→ see also boxing, post office box
The inside of the box was blue.
Can you help me with this box?
Can you reach me down that box?
She handed the girl a five dollar bill and waited for her change and the wrapped box with the stockings.
VOA: special.2009.09.05
They were looking down into a lowered place, where something white was lying, squirming a little, in a box lined with black cloth.
You can always count on seeing tourist on the train with an American Girl bag or an American Girl box