... 关于canvas是个什么东西,在这我就不做过多的介绍了,随便在度娘上搜一搜,关于canvas的概念啊,API什么的就都有了。那么我们接下来就要开始介绍,动画(animation)是怎样形成的?。
DreamWorks Animation 梦工厂 ; 梦工场动画
Computer Animation [计] 计算机动画 ; 电脑动画 ; 计算机直观显示 ; 电脑卡通制作
PIXAR Animation Studios 皮克斯动画工作室 ; 皮克斯工作室 ; 皮克斯动画工厂
Kyoto Animation 京都动画 ; 京都动画公司 ; 京阿尼 ; 山本宽
suspended animation 暂停生命 ; [医] 假死 ; 历程中断 ; 漂浮动画
Ragnarok the Animation 仙境传说 ; 仙境传说原声集 ; 仙境传说主题曲 ; 瑶池传说
Toei Animation 东映动画 ; 东映动画公司 ; 日本东映动画株式会社
Clay animation 黏土动画 ; 粘土动画
skeletal animation 骨骼动画 ; 骨架动画 ; 骨架运动
Simulation of the dynamic cloth is the important component of the computer animation and the dress CAD.
参考来源 - 真实感场景下的动态布料仿真Skinned mesh animation is a kind of virtual 3D character rendering technique used extensively recently.
参考来源 - 蒙皮骨骼的碰撞检测技术研究The research we are involved in is rendering technology in three-dimensional animation.
参考来源 - 动画渲染技术及其在影视中的应用Finally,the characteristics of different types of animation film roles are summarized.
参考来源 - 建国十七年美术片角色形象创作(1949Animation and establish a brand development and dissemination of animation industry is the source of the problem.
参考来源 - 我国动画品牌传播中的问题与对策研究(研究生论文)In chapter three, we decribes the scope of the noun in the structure ofthe classifier-noun to subject position,and we alalyzes the selection of theclassifier-noun to the noun and the classifier from four angles-Semantics,animation, identifiability and seliece.
参考来源 - 衡东新塘方言量名结构研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: vitality
同义词: vivification invigoration
同义词: liveliness
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Animation is the process of making films in which drawings or puppets appear to move. 动画制作
The films are a mix of animation and full-length features.
N-COUNT An animation is a film in which drawings or puppets appear to move. 动画片
This film is the first British animation sold to an American network.
The films are a mix of animation and full-length features.
'Dinosaur' combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.
This film is the first British animation sold to an American network.
The show combines animation,music, large puppets and human actors to create a series of funny and creative lessons.
VOA: special.2009.11.27
That is we make animation file when you put the current to the coil of the field, getting established magnetic field.
We'll actually go out and find the animators and the developers to build that piece of animation.