butt in 插手,介入 Pardon me for butting in on your conversation, but this is important.请原谅我打断了你们的谈话,不过这件事非常重要。
to butt in 搅局
Troubles you don't butt in 麻烦你不要随便插嘴
butt-weld in the downhand position 对接平焊 ; 也不错接平焊
master butt method in dock 坞中接合方法
butt sb in the stomach 撞某人的腹部
Fusion-welded butt joints in steel 钢的熔焊对焊接头
butt welding in spot 对接点焊
Love in the butt 春娇与志明
Sand in your Butt 以你的角度
PHRASAL VERB If you say that someone is butting in, you are criticizing the fact that they are joining in a conversation or activity without being asked to. 插进来 [表不满]
Sorry, I don't mean to butt in.