close call 差一点没发生的倒霉的事 ; 千钧一发 ; 幸免于难 ; 死里逃生
a close call 侥幸的脱险 ; 边缘 ; 千钧一发险些 ; 侥幸脱险
T Close Call 摇摆爵士乐
now a close call 现在已经有一半的可能了
Earth close call 迪斯尼自然频道和鲸的亲密接触
N → another expression for close shave
Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decided to simplify.
After this you should summarise what you've presented and close with what I call "next steps".
And a close call for one man in Russia who was lucky to be alive.