...轮 午餐:邮轮 晚餐:邮轮 住宿:邮轮 第6天 马穆楚 MAMOUDZOU 早餐: 午餐: 晚餐: 住宿: 第7天 诺西贝Nosy Be(马达加斯加) 诺西贝岛是一个岛国,它位于马达加斯加的西北海岸上,该岛是马达加斯加岛最大和最繁忙的旅游度假胜地之一。
Nosy Be Island 诺西贝岛
Nosy Be Flat-tail Gecko 棘肢平尾虎
Nosy Be Hotel 贝岛酒店
Nosy Be - Fascene Airport 努贝西机场
Be nosy 好打听的
to be nosy 多管闲事
以上来源于: WordNet
Don't be so nosy—it's none of your business.
Firesheep grabs that cookie, allowing nosy or malicious users to, in essence, be you on the site and have full access to your account.
My parents would never be so nosy as to ask the old man where he'd come up with such a monster on Christmas eve.