one way only 单行道 ; 单程路 ; 单程票价 ; 单行线
one way only channel 只单向通道 ; 单向通道
one-way only operation 单向操作 ; 单向工作
one-way only channel 单向通道
one way only cha el 只单向通道
Only one way to live 只有一种生存方式
With only one way down 唯有一个出口
the one and only way 不二法门 ; 原为佛教用语
He has come a long way since the days he could only afford one meal a day.
In his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: "There is only one way…to get the best of an argument—and that is to avoid it."
That is our way of singing, the only one we have.