number of poles 极数 ; 极对数 ; 极
Poles Apart 南辕北辙 ; 截然相反 ; 大相径庭 ; 天壤之别
Telephone poles 电话杆 ; 电线杆 ; 重瓶 ; 电话线杆与公用电话亭
Totem Poles 图腾公园
Poles do not 天差地别
consequent-poles motor 交替磁极式电动机 ; 变极式双速电动机 ; 变极式双速电念头 ; 接为磁极式电动机
Residues and poles 第六章 ; 第十三周 ; 第十二周 ; 留数与极点
auxiliary poles 辅助极
A new phase unwrapping algorithm based on flagging poles and blocklines is proposed in this paper.
参考来源 - 小波变换在位相展开中的应用0. Suppose that f has infinitely many zeros withλ(f)<1. If f has finitelymany poles, thencf-a has infinitely many zeros.
参考来源 - Nevanlinna理论在差分多项式中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"they are at opposite poles"; "they are poles apart"
同义词: celestial pole
同义词: terminal
同义词: magnetic pole
"pole barges on the river"
同义词: punt
"pole climbing plants like beans"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A pole is a long thin piece of wood or metal, used especially for supporting things. 柱; 杆
The truck crashed into a telegraph pole.
N-COUNT The Earth's poles are the two opposite ends of its axis, its most northern and southern points. 地极
For six months of the year, there is hardly any light at the poles.
N-COUNT The two poles of a magnet are the two ends of the magnet where the magnetic force is strongest. 磁极
The important fact is that the two poles of the magnet work in opposite ways.
N-COUNT The two poles of a range of qualities, opinions, or beliefs are the completely opposite qualities, opinions, or beliefs at either end of the range. (品质、观点或信仰) 截然相反的两极
The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum.
PHRASE If you say that two people or things are poles apart, you mean that they have completely different beliefs, opinions, or qualities. (信仰、观点或品质) 截然相反的 [强调]
For six months of the year, there is hardly any light at the poles.
The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.
The important fact is that the two poles of the magnet work in opposite ways.
He points out that even the driest deserts on Earth have more water than the surface of the moon near its poles.
VOA: special.2009.09.30
Like Homer and like Virgil, Milton intends to soar above the wheeling poles of the visible world and describe the otherwise invisible comings and goings of the gods.
But Plato's Socrates is necessarily poles apart from Aristophanes' Socrates depiction of him as a sort of sophist who makes the weaker argument the stronger.