... unison n. 齐奏,齐唱;一致的或协调的行动 rendition n. 演奏,演唱,表演,扮演 toll v. (缓慢而有规律地)敲;n. 过路(桥)费;伤亡人数,损失 ...
... lead vocal:主唱歌手 rendition:表演,演奏 Freddie Mercury:弗雷迪·莫库里(1946~1991),皇后乐队主唱歌手,作曲家 ...
color rendition 色彩还原 ; 彩色再现 ; 显色指数
record of rendition of judgement 宣判笔录
colour rendition 彩色再现 ; 显色性
Rendition OST 反恐疑云专辑
contrast rendition 对比度再现 ; 反衬度重现
positive rendition 正片复制
gray-scale rendition 灰度再现
Flawless Rendition 隧道忘了出路
"they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert"
同义词: rendering
"often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child's intended meaning"
"her rendition of Milton's verse was extraordinarily moving"
同义词: rendering interpretation
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A rendition of a play, poem, or piece of music is a performance of it. (剧本、诗歌或音乐作品的)演绎; 表演 [usu N 'of' n]
The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey's Reel."
The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey's Reel."
S. rendition flights to land and take off from a Russian airport.
If the product has an image, like my rendition of a stick-robot, it appears.