谈资金收支两条线管理对石油物探企业的意义_管理论文 关键词:资金管理;收支两条线;石油物探企业 [gap=278]Key words: Fund management;Revenue and expenditure;Geophysical exploration of oil companies
...of Finance)(局、委)网站等媒体,实时表露本省(Province)(市)经济运行(Economic operation)和财政收支(Revenue and expenditure)情景等目标。试点(Pilot)省(市)在发债订价告终后应该实时发表债券发行(Release)结果。
revenue and expenditure in balance 财政收支平衡
revenue and expenditure account 出入帐目 ; 收支帐目
accounting of revenue and expenditure 收支核算
financial revenue and expenditure 财务收入 ; 财政收支 ; 财务收支
Fiscal Revenue And Expenditure 财政收支
normal revenue and expenditure 正常收支
Imbalance Between Revenue and Expenditure 财政收支差额
monopolized revenue and expenditure 统收统支
monthly revenue and expenditure budget 月度财务收支计划 ; 月份收支预算
The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus.
收支相抵, 略有剩余。
In addition, revenue and expenditure growth has gone far beyond economic growth.
Objectives: To analyze the revenue and expenditure of the community health facilities.