a succinct reply 简明扼要的回答
A Succinct House 素净雅居
a succinct style 简洁的风格 ; 简洁的笔触
succinct t a 简洁的
A succinct forum 你对本站的第一映象是什么
Generally the more succinct a paper the more compelling it is.
Your prof might get 25 or 30 E-mails a day, so, it's best if you ask your questions in as focused and succinct a way as possible. (Hint: it's often good to number your questions).
When Audrey Hepburn won the best actress for "Roman Holiday" in 1954, her speech was a perfect example of a succinct.
So this is a nice succinct way of recording what was in the previous two tables.
write and to be able to express your ideas in a very comprehensive and succinct way.