“Women are often the linchpins of their families and their communities, and if three in five of them aren't meeting their potential, they lose out, their family and friends lose out and so does the wider society.
Sometimes, IT leaders focus so much on the formal structure of the company that they lose out on informal leadership.
But some businesses worry that they will lose out if the plan is implemented.
Individuals can do something similar by asking not only how much they will make if they are right but also how much they could lose if they turn out to be wrong.
People were pulling money out of banks because they feared that if the bank failed, then they would lose their money; it created a huge crisis in 1933.
They would rather lose - because they're sort of screwing around than- they could put out their best game and they would do better, but they might lose anyone given its, sort of, randomness.
All the groups that stand to win or lose from it are all figuring out what it does to them and they're taking the positions out of self-interest So, I wanted to write something that was more perspicacious if I could manage that.