[ 复数 fits 第三人称单数 fits 现在分词 fitting 过去式 fitted或fit 过去分词 fitted或fit 比较级 fitter 最高级 fittest ]
可以设想,具有高隐形、长航时、低成本等上风的“白(Sharp sword)”,将适合(fit)于在高风险地区停止不声不响的侦查([军] reconnoitre)与监督(keep watch on)义务(assignment),更能做到“发觉(find)即袭...
Honda Fit 本田飞度 ; 本田 ; 广汽本田飞度 ; 第二名
keep fit 保持健康 ; 强身健体 ; 保持身体健康 ; 保持苗条
be fit for 适合 ; 适合于 ; 胜任 ; 合适
Fit on Screen 满画布显示 ; 适合屏幕 ; 谦画布显示
fit into 刚好放入 ; 使正好配合 ; 适应
interference fit 过盈配合 ; 干涉配合 ; [机] 静配合
fit for 量尺寸 ; 我适合
Wii fit 平衡板 ; 瑜伽板 ; Wii塑身 ; 任天堂
The question which must be solved is that we select which type of non-linear model to fit the dates.
参考来源 - 门限自回归模型在股票量价比中的应用Chi-square goodness of fit tests are performed on simulated data to compare the fit of the models.
参考来源 - 采用线性累积模型的变换形式分析步加试验 Analyzing stepWith the improvement of people's living and the accelerated rhythm of life, people's request to theclothing is more and more high. Fit, comfort, softness and flexibility have become the goal of the newfabric.
参考来源 - 粘/氨包覆纱纺纱工艺研究及其产品开发·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"he had a fit"
同义词: tantrum scene conniption
"a fit of coughing"
同义词: paroxysm convulsion
"I admired the fit of her coat"
"a fit of housecleaning"
同义词: burst
同义词: suit accommodate
"This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
同义词: go
同义词: meet conform to
"fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
"Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
"How does this shirt fit?"
同义词: match
"a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to"
"in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"
"felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise"
同义词: healthy
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T/V-I If something fits, it is the right size and shape to go onto a person's body or onto a particular object. 合身; 合适
The sash, kimono, and other garments were made to fit a child.
She has to go to the men's department to find trousers that fit at the waist.
V-T If you are fitted for a particular piece of clothing, you try it on so that the person who is making it can see where it needs to be altered. 试穿 [usu passive]
She was being fitted for her wedding dress.
V-I If something fits somewhere, it can be put there or is designed to be put there. 合适于 (某地)
...a pocket computer which is small enough to fit into your pocket.
He folded his long legs to fit under the table.
V-T If you fit something into a particular space or place, you put it there. 放置
...she fitted her key in the lock.
Who could cut the millions of stone blocks and fit them together?
V-T If you fit something somewhere, you attach it there, or put it there carefully and securely. 安装; 小心放置
Fit hinge bolts to give extra support to the door lock.
Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall.
V-T/V-I If something fits something else or fits into it, it goes together well with that thing or is able to be part of it. 相配; 符合
Her daughter doesn't fit the current feminine ideal.
Fostering is a full-time job and you should carefully consider how it will fit into your career.
V-T You can say that something fits a particular person or thing when it is appropriate or suitable for them or it. 适合
The punishment must always fit the crime.
V-T If something fits someone for a particular task or role, it makes them good enough or suitable for it. 使胜任 (任务、角色) [正式]
...a man whose past experience fits him for the top job in education.
N-SING If something is a good fit, it fits well. 适合
Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit.
ADJ If something is fit for a particular purpose, it is suitable for that purpose. 适合的
Of the seven bicycles we had, only two were fit for the road.
ADJ If someone is fit to do something, they have the appropriate qualities or skills that will allow them to do it. 胜任的
You're not fit to be a mother!
In a word, this government isn't fit to rule.
fitness N-UNCOUNT 胜任
There is a debate about his fitness for the highest office.
PHRASE If you say that someone sees fit to do something, you mean that they are entitled to do it, but that you disapprove of their decision to do it. 执意 [正式]
He's not a friend, you say, yet you saw fit to lend him money.
to fit the bill →see bill
to fit like a glove →see glove
not in a fit state →see state
ADJ Someone who is fit is healthy and physically strong. 健康的; 强健的
An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days.
fitness N-UNCOUNT 健康
Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.
ADJ (of a person) sexually attractive (人)性感诱人的 [英国英语] [非正式]
N-COUNT If you have a fit of coughing or laughter, you suddenly start coughing or laughing in an uncontrollable way. 一阵 (咳嗽、大笑)
Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing.
N-COUNT If you do something in a fit of anger or panic, you are very angry or afraid when you do it. 一阵 (愤怒、恐慌等)
Pattie shot Tom in a fit of jealous rage.
N-COUNT If someone has a fit they suddenly lose consciousness and their body makes uncontrollable movements. 昏厥; 痉挛
About two in every five epileptic fits occur during sleep.
N-COUNT If someone has a fit or throws a fit, they suddenly become very agitated because they are angry or worried about something. 大发脾气; 狂躁不安 [非正式]
When my landlady said she wanted to keep $380 of my deposit to paint the walls, I threw a fit.
"Cathy will have a fit when she finds out you bought all that fishing gear," Harrington said.
V to have a sudden attack or convulsion, such as an epileptic seizure 突发惊厥 [非正式]
Here is part of it. "I used to try on Mommy's jeans, just to see how they'd fit on me.
VOA: special.2009.04.27
And, if we wanted to try to fit, say, hydrogen, into this scheme that we have, we have to do what?
And then we sort of make a list of who we think would be a good fit for our sorority,