人格、家庭因素与军人焦虑情绪的相关性研究_stmopen 关键词】: 军人 状态焦虑 特质焦虑 人格 家庭 [gap=1432]KEY WORDS\]military men;state-anxiety;trait-anxiety;personality;family
military logistics [军] 后勤学 ; 军事物流 ; 军事物流学
military strategy 军事战略 ; 文韬武略 ; 军事战略学 ; 用兵的计谋
Military Science 军事学 ; 军事
military base [军] 军事基地 ; 旧军事基地
Military police 宪兵 ; 宪兵队 ; 军事警察 ; 军警
military history [军] 军事史 ; 军事历史学 ; 军事历史
military rank 军衔 ; 都尉
military operation [军] 军事行动 ; 作战 ; 军事作业
military aircraft 军用飞行器 ; 作战飞机
This technique has been highly regarded and widely applied in military areas.
参考来源 - 数据融合技术在情报处理系统中的应用研究The terminal is suited for being used in medical service’ s administration departments of all military logistics unit levels.
参考来源 - 基于嵌入式系统、GSM、GPS的卫勤远程监控终端的初步研究Emulating the Military Deception with BBN.
参考来源 - 军事欺骗行为仿真研究So, forecasting military POL need is the key point of increasing the POL service ability.
参考来源 - 军队油料保障指挥决策模型研究Moving targets indication (MTI) based on airborne radar systems has been a crucial function for military application.
参考来源 - FM”Therefore,most adults wish to have a happy marriage and family life. Military servicemen are no exception.
参考来源 - 军婚特别保护制度研究(研究生论文)Part five discusses the stock management modes in military industry.
参考来源 - 军工企业的供应链管理模式研究Methods 1107 military men were evaluated by using the symptom check list 90 (SCL-90) and Eysenck personality questionnaire(EPQ) after field training.
方法采用症状自评量表 (SCL-90)及艾森克人格问卷(EPQ),对渡海登陆作战演习部队1107人进行测查。
参考来源 - 海训士兵心理健康状况及相关因素研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
同义词: armed forces armed services military machine war machine
"military law"
"military uniforms"
"military police"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Military means relating to the armed forces of a country. 军事的
Military action may become necessary.
The president is sending in almost 20,000 military personnel to help with the relief efforts.
militarily ADV 在军事上
They remain unwilling to intervene militarily in what could be an unending war.
N-COUNT-COLL The military are the armed forces of a country, especially officers of high rank. 军方 (尤指高级军官)
The bombing has been far more widespread than the military will admit.
ADJ Military means well organized, controlled, or neat, in a way that is typical of a soldier. 军人般的
Your working day will need to be organized with military precision.