因为情绪会影响你生活中的很多方面 » Because emotions can affect many aspects of your life 抄袭的 » plagiarized 你知道我是T吗 » Do you know that I is T ..
I was plagiarized 我是抄袭的 ; 我被抄袭 ; 我是剽窃
Examples of plagiarized essays being 论文被剽窃的例子
plagiarized papers 论文抄袭
Used Plagiarized Data 使用一些数据
"used plagiarized data in his thesis"; "a work dotted with plagiarized phrases"
同义词: plagiaristic plagiarised
以上来源于: WordNet
BRIT also plagiarise
V-T If someone plagiarizes another person's idea or work, they use it or copy it and pretend that they thought of it or created it. 剽窃
The students denied plagiarizing papers.
Whole passages of the work are plagiarized.
The problem is that they think your answer was too good. They think you plagiarized it.
All examples of research papers are plagiarized - feel free to get custom written papers online.