[ 复数 struggles 第三人称单数 struggles 现在分词 struggling 过去式 struggled 过去分词 struggled ]
...奋斗英语说法1: struggle 教授(Professor)接着说:生命本没有意义,但是(But)当你有了目标,并且为之奋斗(Struggle),性命就有了意义。原话记不得了,不过大概(Probably)就是这个意思。
15 空间转换 (spatial change):英雄被带到被寻求者所在地。 16 搏斗 (struggle):英雄与坏人展开搏斗。 17 遇险获救 (branding):英雄遇险但终获救。
Twilight Struggle 晨昏对峙 ; 冷战热门 ; 暗斗热斗
Life is Struggle 竞争 ; 生存就是竞争 ; 剑气凌厉的江南 ; 狗蛋求剩儿
the struggle and the progress 的斗争和取得的 ; 斗争和进步
life's a struggle 宋岳庭 ; 折腾 ; 专辑的同名曲
struggle against 开展斗争反对 ; 与……交战 ; 为反对
review the course of struggle 回顾奋斗历程 ; 回想斗争过程
Solar Struggle 太阳能之争 ; 太阳之争
Life Is a Struggle 生命在于奋斗 ; 宋岳庭 ; 凉牛奶 ; 风骚小楠
struggle for 拼搏 ; 尽全力争夺 ; 为争取 ; 为
V-T/V-I If you struggle to do something, you try hard to do it, even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed. 努力; 斗争
They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.
N-VAR A struggle is a long and difficult attempt to achieve something such as freedom or political rights. 努力; 斗争
Life became a struggle for survival.
...a young boy's struggle to support his poverty-stricken family.
V-I If you struggle when you are being held, you twist, kick, and move violently in order to get free. 挣扎
I struggled, but he was a tall man, well built.
V-RECIP If two people struggle with each other, they fight. 扭打
She screamed at him to "stop it" as they struggled on the ground.
N-COUNT Struggle is also a noun. 扭打
He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain.
V-T/V-I If you struggle to move yourself or to move a heavy object, you try to do it, but it is difficult. 艰难地移动
I could see the young boy struggling to free himself.
V-T/V-I If a person or organization is struggling, they are likely to fail in what they are doing, even though they might be trying very hard. 在困境中挣扎; 竭力维持 [only cont]
The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product.
One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics.
N-SING An action or activity that is a struggle is very difficult to do. 很费劲的事
Losing weight was a terrible struggle.