...圈(Hour Circle) 黄道(Ecliptic) 黄赤交角(Obliquity of the Ecliptic) 黄极(Ecliptic Poles) 春分点(Vernal Equinox) 秋分点(Autumnal Equinox) 岁差与章动 岁差(春分点岁差)是由于赤道平面和黄道平面的运动而引起的。
Vernal Equinox Autumnal Equinox 春分秋分
hour circle of vernal equinox 春分点时圈
hour cicle of vernal equinox 春分点时圈
The Vernal Equinox 自由爵士
Vernal equinox point 昼夜平分点
以上来源于: WordNet
N the time at which the sun crosses the plane of the equator towards the relevant hemisphere, making day and night of equal length. It occurs about March 21 in the N hemisphere (Sept 23 in the S hemisphere) 春分
The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21.
The vernal equinox, however, occurs when the center of the sun crosses the Equator.
This year, spring starts Saturday, March 20, because that is when the so-called vernal equinox occurs.
今年,春季开始于3月20日星期六,这是因为这一天是日历里的春分点。 春分点或秋分点,意味着每年的春季和秋季开始了。