But city officials, including New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, continue to defend stop-and-frisk.
The federal class-action trial of a New York City Police Department's Stop-and-Frisk policy wound down today.
At the time, Chelsea issued a statement condemning the actions of those who had abused Frisk.
Critics argue that stop and frisk policy disproportionately targets people of color, particularly blacks and Latinos.
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The plaintiffs in the stop-and-frisk suit have demanded such an overseer to watch the police.
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Banks said he believes that stop, question and frisk is a useful tool when used correctly.
And if they suspect the person has a weapon, they will proceed to frisk.
This lawsuit is one of three federal legal challenges to stop and frisk before Judge Scheindlin.
The animals were uncovered when security guards noticed a bulge in their underwear during a frisk.
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About 60 to 70 percent of the stops don't result in a frisk in New York.
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Mr. Browne credited the decline in the homicide rate, in part, to the city's controversial stop-and-frisk policy.
The NYPD has said that stop-and-frisk is an integral element in the historic reduction in city crime.
And, if executed well, it moves in the exact opposite direction of stop-and-frisk and the Giuliani legacy.
Boston used to have an equally unpopular stop-and-frisk policy, but by 1989 it had got out of hand.
Frisk then received death threats and subsequently decided to retire from the game.
On Monday, closing arguments were heard in a federal court challenge to the New York City Police Department's stop-and-frisk policy.
Police officials say stop and frisk is a legal crime-stopping tool that has helped drive crime down to record lows.
Proposed last year, the inspector general and stop-and-frisk measures have gotten entrained in the politics of a competitive mayoral campaign.
He suggested more training for officers on racial profiling and stop and frisk at the police academy and on the job.
If you're just - and if you're just joining us, we're talking about a case involving New York City's stop-and-frisk policy.
There's already a hot mayoral race, there have already been debates involving six candidates, and Stop-and-Frisk is a hot, hot topic.
Stop-and-frisk has taken center-stage in this year's race for mayor, with most Democratic candidates saying the policy needs to be changed.
"We can't depend on Speaker Quinn to reform stop and frisk if she won't acknowledge there is a problem, " he said.
NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy is extremely unpopular with minorities, who feel they often get stopped by police officers for no good reason.
So he would say they do practice a stop-and-frisk type thing here.
So communities are divided over whether they support or they oppose stop-and-frisk.
Preliminary rulings in this and other pending stop and frisk lawsuits by Judge Scheindlin suggest the city's attorneys face an uphill battle.
But after the important things are accounted for, we then have to hope that our frisk of the room has been enough.
So apart from stop-and-frisk, what are the other secrets to anticrime success?
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Ray Kelly: The Political War on the NYPD
At the same time, the ugly side of stop-and-frisk can be alleviated.