How many realistic jobs are out there for Americans at this point, especially the young and inexperienced, or those grayed-out of the system by age discrimination?
The old rules governing our health insurance market hurt families across the country, and women in particular suffered in a system that allowed discrimination and failed to provide affordable coverage options for all Americans.
Garfield was also concerned that opening the door on a progressive tax system could lead to more discrimination.
It was the very first time that a binding instrument in the United Nations system contained a detailed definition of the term DISCRIMINATION .
The quirks of America's legal system mean its companies are even more vulnerable to discrimination lawsuits.
It will be against the law for insurance companies to deny you coverage for preexisting conditions. (Applause.) And that change alone will help us end the discrimination women face in our health care system.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady on Health Insurance Reform and Older Women
Merely having and letting employees know there is such a reporting system, even if it's used primarily for discrimination and harassment issues, enables a company to knock off up to three points on the ten-point "culpability score" the feds use to determine the severity of the sentence.
Our correspondent says that this is partly because structural inequalities make it difficult for women to access the judicial system, while there are long standing cultural practices that enhance gender discrimination.
They are reinforced by a Hindu caste-system perhaps even more entrenched than that in India, and by the discrimination long suffered by the Madhesi people of the lowland plains neighbouring India.
Never mind that the Kremlin's obsolescent radar is not designed for the kind of sophisticated discrimination of warheads from decoys inherent in the proposed, modern American system.
That means we fight discrimination against gays and lesbians, and we make common cause to reform our immigration system.
The report posits that the most important goals in this context are jobs, human security and the justice system, even if that comes at the expense of more ambitious goals of countering prejudice and discrimination, building the broader private sector or improving democracy.
FORBES: In Defense of Political Economy: new ideas on development from the World Bank
He claimed this had created a two-tier system with some employees who were facing dismissal threatening to make claims against their employer based on gender or racial discrimination to win a larger payout.
"The committee learned that women's experiences of the criminal justice system are different from men's and that some of these differences may stem from, or result in, discrimination or inequality, " she said.