By default, messages are load balanced based on queue manager availability, but they are not load balanced based on the availability of message consumer applications.
If the PLUTO queue manager is running and the initiation queue is defined, you should see a message stating that the trigger monitor is started and waiting for a trigger message.
This differs from ordinary applications that are not trusted to set the message context fields and instead inherit these from whatever values the queue manager deems appropriate.
If a message not destined for a device queue manager ends up on the default transmission queue, the gateway queue manager will attempt to deliver the message and fail.
In our project, the post office is the message server and the postmaster is the queue manager.
Before proceeding, the program must have received a valid trigger message, and that message must contain names of both the queue manager and queue that was triggered.
The code gets the subscription name, the queue manager to use, and the queue name to send the message from the dialog.
Additionally, it allows polling of application metrics such as transaction rates and times, MQ queue manager status, message counters, or SLM metrics.
If permitted, the queue manager segments a large message when it does not fit on a queue.
A special program called a trigger monitor receives the trigger message from the queue manager, reads the process definition, and then runs the command line task specified there.
Message properties do not count towards the length of the message for the queue and queue manager, but they do count towards the length of the properties as perceived by the queue manager.
The reason for this is that the channel agent will preserve the contents of the message descriptor by setting all the fields to match the message from the sending queue manager.
If allowed, the queue manager segments a message into a number of smaller messages when it is too large to be sent.
When an EJB component wants to access a database, a message queue server, or some other transactional resource, it acquires a connection to the resource manager (usually by using JNDI).
A message descriptor is associated with every message that resides on a queue within a queue manager.
The message broker or queue manager determines which clients should receive which messages based on a particular destination described in the message, and it delivers the messages accordingly.
The server sends a reply message to the local queue manager on the laptop.
Recall that in this case, an application requires the ability to connect to the queue manager, put a message to a queue, and get a reply.
A requesting client would send a message via some local gateway queue manager, which would distribute messages between the hosting queue managers.
As discussed above, an MQMDE structure is added by the queue manager if the message descriptor is V1.
如上所述,如果消息描述符是V 1,MQMDE结构由队列管理器添加。
Maximum message length can also be defined for a queue manager, a channel, or an individual queue.
This involves synchronous writes to the queue manager log at the point at which the message processing for the message flow is to be committed.
The initiation queue receives trigger messages (created by the queue manager) indicating the event of the arrival of a message on a queue (in this case CICS02.IN).
该启动队列接收触发消息(由队列管理器创建),这些触发消息指示消息到达队列的事件(在本例中为CICS02 . IN)。
A failed attempt to forward a message to the unavailable target Queue Manager results in a thrown fault.
一个向不可用目标Queue Manager转发消息的失败尝试将导致抛出一个故障。
The second SCA module, which you can view as a message forwarder, is responsible for propagating messages to the target Queue Manager.
第二个SCA模块,可以将其看作一个消息转发器,负责将消息传递到目标Queue Manager。
The size of message properties cannot exceed the MaxPropertiesLength setting for a queue manager.
The main feature of interest here is the use of a BPEL Fault Handler to catch the Fault thrown when an attempt to forward a message to the target Queue Manager fails.
这里关注的主要特性是在尝试将消息转发给目标Queue Manager失败时,使用BPELFaultHandler捕获抛出的故障。
When a message flows to a queue manager prior to V7, properties of the message, except those in the message descriptor, are treated as message data and count towards the length of the message.
当消息流向V 7版本之前的队列管理器时,除了那些在消息描述符中的属性之外,消息属性都被看作是消息数据并计入消息长度中。 reads the queue and queue manager names from the trigger message.
As mentioned above, the put message option MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER was simply an instruction to the queue manager to automatically allocate message group identifiers and sequence Numbers.