The world dissolves. So corruption and injustice and lawlessness and violence inevitably bring about destruction.
Or just have the good intentions without the effort that's necessary to bring about a positive exponential function.
Only human art or science or art, human contrivance, can bring about peace.
Some people argued that there are certain things that are just categorically wrong even if they bring about a good result, even if they saved five people at the cost of one life.
Today we're going to be talking about meditation and how to bring these practices into our life, to make life better and feel more connected.
It's not as though if you kill yourself you somehow bring it about that you've never been born at all.
And at particular points,when there is something important about the different translations, I'll bring that up,and I'll explain every once in awhile.
In section please bring Lolita. I think you're going to spend most of your time talking about Lolita.
We only usually bring it up when we're talking about the Mexican War and its aftermath, or something.
It's possible that Milton's actually suggesting, I think, that this poem helped bring that ruin about.
I don't always do that but I'd like to, ; and I can if you come at 11:30. Bring your books; I'm going to be talking about the texts and I hope you'll have them open.
So spend 10 or 15 minutes thinking about this and write it down and bring your responses to class in the next period and we'll talk about that.
And an analogy I like to think about is that your--when you bring your car in to repair it-- for repairs, when you're repairing your car, the first thing you do is you stomp it and shut off the engine.
By the way, after class, I'm more than happy to stay as long as needed to answer any questions you guys have or to talk about whatever issues you'd like to bring up, but probably what makes sense is for me to power down the computer and pack up and then we can stand out in the hallway and I can answer questions out there, that way the next class can get in and the instructor can work unimpeded.
One of the most significant barriers to people doing things in the world, to actually introducing change is that they underestimate their ability to bring about change.
This is how you bring about change.