Chan - contains the name of the SVRCONN channel used to connect to the queue manager.
Using the OAM, permission to connect to the queue manager is granted by the connect authority.
使用OAM 时,由connect 授权体授予连接到队列管理器的权限。
The profiles in the MQCONN class control which userids have authorization to connect to the queue manager.
MQCON n类中的配置文件控制哪些userids有权连接队列管理器。
Connection security is a simple binary setting: either a user can connect to the queue manager, or they cannot.
Recall that in this case, an application requires the ability to connect to the queue manager, put a message to a queue, and get a reply.
For the some connections, such as the channel initiator or CICS, only the region itself needs authorization to connect to the queue manager.
For example, the user ID for the channel initiator address space needs the authority to connect to the queue manager, but the channels themselves do not.
A user must connect to the queue manager to be able to get or put messages, to issue commands such those that define or alter queues, start channels, and so on.
As a general rule, anything that is legitimately permitted to connect to the queue manager should be granted + inq rights on the queue manager and any objects it opens.
通用规则是,被适当允许连接到队列管理器的任何实体都应该授予+in q权限。
In this first use case, a single group fruit was granted access to connect to the queue manager, put and inquire on the request queue, and get, browse, and inquire on the reply queue.
Client authentication will ensure that only those clients (in this case, only WebSphere Application Server) that can prove their identity will be able to connect to the queue manager.
In each case where a queue manager type is referenced, you must configure SSL in the corresponding WMQFTE properties file to enable that type of WMQFTE entity to connect to its queue manager.
An interesting side effect of using a certificate authority is that it externalizes the configuration required to connect to a queue manager.
Have the injector applications connect (using bindings) to a local queue manager and use MQ networking to move the messages onto the test system.
Now that the queue manager has been started, you can create and start the queue manager listener for applications to connect the active queue manager IBMESBQM, as shown in Listing 13.
It enables an application running on the same system to connect to a queue manager running on a different system, and issue MQI calls to that queue manager.
When an enterprise application uses the MQ messaging provider to connect to a queue manager, there are two primary ways in which this connection is made.
Applications connect to a queue manager which is remote from the broker queue manager.
The recent trend, however, has been to directly connect the user's client to the queue manager.
Here is an example of a RACF PERMIT command to grant the user ID for the channel initiator permission to connect to queue manager CSQ1.
JMS request queue Connection Factory: Used by the listener port to connect to the MQ queue manager that hosts the request MQ queue.
Q replication also supports WebSphere MQ client-server configurations where the Q Capture and Q Apply programs run on a system with an MQ client installed and connect to a remote queue manager.
Q复制还支持WebSphereMQ客户机-服务器配置,其中 QCapture和 QApply程序运行在安装了 MQ客户机的系统上,并与远程的队列管理器连接。
In the following example, authority to connect to queue manager QMGR1 is being granted to group1.
The connection factory provides all of the information that the application needs to connect to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
JMS reply queue Connection Factory: Used by the Web service to connect to the MQ queue manager that hosts the reply MQ queue.
WebSphere MQ Client applications connect to the broker queue manager.
For more information on this topic, see which WebSphere MQ FTE commands connect to which queue manager in the WMQFTE information center.
要详细了解这个主题,请参见WMQFTE信息中心中的whichWebSphereMQFTEcommandsconnect to whichqueue manager。
For more information on this topic, see which WebSphere MQ FTE commands connect to which queue manager in the WMQFTE information center.
要详细了解这个主题,请参见WMQFTE信息中心中的whichWebSphereMQFTEcommandsconnect to whichqueue manager。