They don't have access to a convertible currency.
We'll provide for payments in convertible currency.
Foreign investors shall make payment for the transfers in freely convertible currency.
The investment contributed by a foreign insurance company shall be a convertible currency.
The rupiah is a freely convertible currency, but trades at a penalty due to continued high inflation.
And in the long-term, certainly after 2020 and perhaps between 2025 and 2035, the yuan is likely to become a fully convertible currency.
An account that allows for the transfer of payments (including cheques drawn) in any readily convertible currency to and from designated account.
Of course for now the yuan is not a convertible currency and China has considerable work to do to clean up its financial system before that can change.
The problem here is that China is not tied into the international financial system with a convertible currency, so it cannot spread risk on a global scale.
The head office of a foreign bank shall allocate to its branch in a free convertible currency equivalent to not less than RMB 100 million yuan as working capital.
I. The branch offices of the foreign insurance enterprises should be appropriated working capital of no less than 0.1billion RMB or the equivalence convertible currency by their headquarters.
In order to keep the currency convertible, they had to keep interest rates high to prevent people from demanding to exchange the gold.
The konvertibilna marka (convertible mark or BAM)- the national currency introduced in 1998 - is now pegged to the euro, and the Central Bank of BH has dramatically increased its reserve holdings.
The Convertible Mark (currency code BAM) is the currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
To become a true currency, the SDR would have to be a fully convertible instrument, not a line of credit, underwritten by countries with "hard" currencies.
The minute the yuan becomes fully convertible, it will join the euro as an alternative reserve currency.
The country's currency, the dong, is not convertible and people do not trust it, preferring us dollars or gold.
Of course the price of gold never changed in the gold standard because that was the whole point of the gold standard that's if currency was convertible into gold.
The reason that countries dropped the gold standard was that under the effort to keep the currency convertible into gold they were worsening the depression of the 1930s.
The concept of a freely usable currency concerns the actual international use and trading of currencies, and is different from whether a currency is either freely floating or fully convertible.
Having parked most of their surpluses in the currency that was most convertible -the dollar -asian countries face the prospect of losing as much as the country that issued the currency.
Having parked most of their surpluses in the currency that was most convertible -the dollar -asian countries face the prospect of losing as much as the country that issued the currency.