It is malleable and designed to be changed.
In the Philippines activists are less malleable.
The malleable IP address gives your network some flexible manageability.
We deal with bits instead of atoms, and bits are infinitely more malleable.
But taste buds are malleable and can be taught to appreciate new and subtler flavors.
One thing is clear: the law in this area is malleable enough that it can be argued either way.
Software is malleable to the extent it can easily be altered to meet changing business needs.
Useful and malleable, after 150 years the suit is still holding its ground in the battle for wardrobe space.
Software appears not to have these same types of natural limits, but to be infinitely flexible and malleable.
The thing that provides structure in open-water ecosystems is the food-web, which is hard to observe and malleable.
When dealing with a difficult person, don't try to convince with argument - language are slippery and logic is malleable.
当我们和难相处的人打交道时,不要试图用争论来说服对方- - -语言是狡猾的,逻辑是可变的。
Applicable to high tensile strength metal grinding, such as general carbon steel, alloy steel, malleable iron hard bronze.
Those taken from days-old embryos, called embryonic stem cells, are the most malleable and can produce all of the cell types.
Hypertext, on the other hand, stimulates yet another way of thinking: telegraphic, modular, nonlinear, malleable, cooperative.
For a great example of how malleable memories are, check out this previous article on how memories are distorted and invented.
You should treat any recipe for community organizing the same way: as a malleable guide for future action based on past experience.
Software as a medium is so malleable 2 that it's easy to make radical changes quickly, and at the same time introduce new risks quickly.
Unlike the easily changed offshore drilling leases and malleable regulation policies, the suburban problem is fast becoming intractable.
"Because there's nothing known about Arthur in reality, he's incredibly malleable and you can present him however you want him," he says.
Softer materials, such as brass, are more easily damaged, yet are also more malleable, so they can actually deform to minimize imperfections.
She and colleagues established a theory that our systems for ranking colors are hardwired, even if our actual color preferences are malleable.
Fortunately, decades of research suggest that the belief in fixed ability is completely wrong; abilities of all kinds are profoundly malleable.
A plan strongly affects the course of events and nature of things, but it should be tangible, flexible, and malleable to incorporate the change.
A plan strongly affects the course of events and nature of things, but it should be tangible, flexible, and malleable to incorporate the change.