• 白宫坚持总统了解黑人社区民意。

    The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.


  • 大卫麦克尼尔白宫记者团同行。

    David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps.


  • 国会白宫之间的争吵看来正在酝酿

    A face-off between Congress and the White House appears to be in the making.


  • 支持者们抱怨白宫看起来毫无条理也没有沟通策略

    Supporters complained that the White House seemed unorganized and without a communications strategy.


  • 白宫已经注意到支持任何旨在加强联合国决议抨击承诺

    The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions.


  • 白宫同意国会中的民主党人正开会寻求进一步削减预算

    With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.


  • 布什先生入主白宫

    Mr. Bush has entered and hosted the White House.


  • 实际上白宫声称赞成的任何合法法律作废

    In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.


  • 从2001年120开始总统一起开始白宫工作

    I started work on Jan 20, 2001, with the president at the White House.


  • 名 BBC 驻华盛顿记者,现在已经白宫对抗做好了准备

    A BBC Washington correspondent says the stage is now set for a confrontation with the White House.


  • 例如福特汽车公司最近宣布部分生产业务带回美国时,白宫欢呼雀跃。

    When the Ford Motor Company, for example, recently announced that it was bringing some production home, the White House cheered.


  • 白宫认为亚利桑那州法律执法优先性相冲突尽管该州法律严格遵守联邦法规

    The White House argued that Arizona's laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter.


  • 1969年,在白宫草坪上左边这位是茱莉亚,莎向他们父亲展示迷你冲浪滑板

    Julie, left, and Tricia presented their father with a mini surfboard on the lawn of the White House in 1969.


  • 意味着千禧一代更喜欢通过其他来源筛选来自白宫新闻而不是总统社交媒体平台

    The implication is that Millennials prefer news from the White House to be filtered through other sources, not a president's social media platform.


  • 他们目标设计出一种策略确保罗纳德·里根能够再次当选,第二任期内再度入主白宫

    Their aim was to devise a strategy that would guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.


  • 白宫官员宣布了一项新的太空政策,其重点对各大公司政府太空发射越来越卫星进行管理

    Officials at the White House announced a new space policy focused on managing the increasing number of satellites that companies and governments are launching into space.


  • 最近一次白宫召集美国国家科学院的专家小组告诉我们地球大气确实变暖而且这个问题主要是人为造成的。

    The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.


  • 白宫官员命令威廉斯公开宣布放弃自己的观点。

    White House officials ordered Williams to recant.


  • 布雷迪法案以前白宫新闻秘书詹姆斯·布雷迪命名的。

    The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady.


  • 甚至去了白宫会见奥巴马总统。

    She even went to the White House to meet President Barack Obama.


  • 甚至连巴马总统的岳母同意离开芝加哥进入白宫帮助照顾外孙女们

    Even President Obama's mother-in-law has agreed to leave Chicago and into the White House to help care for her granddaughters.


  • 越南回家途中得知在弹劾事件中的白宫法律顾问查克·拉夫突然辞世。

    On the way home from Vietnam, I found out that Chuck Ruff, my White House counsel during the impeachment proceeding, had died suddenly.


  • 漫画家麦克·卢科维奇为什么画中描绘土拨鼠菲尔在记者面前承认自己收受了白宫呢?

    Why does cartoonist Mike Luckovich portray groundhog Phil confessing in front of reporters that he accepted money from the White House?


  • 吐温回忆有邀请参加一个白宫正式晚宴在家中的妻子奥利维亚警告不许穿他的冬季套鞋

    Twain recalls being invited to an official White House dinner and being warned by his wife, Olivia, who stayed at home, not to wear his winter galoshes.


  • 1929年圣诞节前夕白宫总统办公室发生火灾之前几个月,赫伯特·胡佛总统一直在海军部长办公室工作。

    President Herbert Hoover occupied the Secretary of Navy's office for a few months following a fire in the Oval Office on Christmas Eve 1929.


  • 1929年圣诞节前夕白宫总统办公室发生火灾之前几个月,赫伯特·胡佛总统一直在海军部长办公室工作。

    President Herbert Hoover occupied the Secretary of Navy's office for a few months following a fire in the Oval Office on Christmas Eve 1929.


  • 美国白宫预算办公室网站此次宇航员登月计划进度落后于原定计划,耗资超出预算开支,并且从全局的角度来看,没有其他空间计划重要

    On its Web site, the White House Budget Office says the program to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule, over budget and overall less important than other space investments.


  • 白宫南面地面喷泉鲜红的琴柱草银叶菊包围

    The South Grounds Fountain is encircled by Red Flare and Dusty Miller at the White House.


  • 白宫涂片检查都是不真实的。

    She assured the White House that the smears were untrue.


  • 白宫之外显得更加方兴未艾

    And it appears to be catching on more slowly outside the White House gates.


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