为充分利用现有的有线电视网络(Cable TV Network)剩余的 高速频带,人们开发了称为“电缆调制解调器”的接入设 备,将计算机或计算机网络接入到因特网。
以此推之,未来通讯市场的主流, 电视电缆网(Cable TV Network)及 将取决于能否提供客户便捷之全球资 电脑网(Computer Network)此等三
countryside cable TV network 农村有线电视网
Beijing Cable TV Network 北京有线电视台
cable TV network lightning protection 有线电视网络防雷
cable TV network system 有限电视网络
cable TV network engineering 有线电视网络工程
Cable TV & Network Communication 有线电视与网络通讯
dual direction cable TV network 双向有线电视网
cable e TV network 有线电视网络
cable TV broadband network 有线宽频网络
The country at present in the cable TV network to TV fee at the same time, the satellite stations all over to charge a fee for.
Though the conditional receivable in cable TV network is constructed on unidirectional network, the authorization for the programmer is granular.
The technical aspect of transforming to domestic cable TV network was researched and technical requirements of the field model light workstation were discussed.