...数据访问(HistoricalData Access)、安全性(Security)、XML数据访问(XML-DA)、复合数据(Complex Data)、指令(Commands)等。OPC采用统一的方式存取不同生产商的设备或子系统,实现“互操作”。
Recent Commands 当前命令 ; 最近使用过的命令 ; 最近的命令 ; 当前下令
All Commands 所有命令 ; 所有号令
keyboard commands 键盘命令
Standard commands 标准命令 ; 标准口令
Shape Commands 图形命令
Auto completion for commands 自动完成命令 ; 自动实现命令
Modem commands 调制解调器命令
system commands 系统命令
Operating system commands 操作系统指令
V-T If someone in authority commands you to do something, they tell you that you must do it. 命令 [书面]
He commanded his troops to attack.
"Get in your car and follow me," she commanded.
N-VAR Command is also a noun. 命令
The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.
I closed my eyes at his command.
V-T If you command something such as respect or obedience, you obtain it because you are popular, famous, or important. 博得 [no cont]
...an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all her colleagues.
V-T If an army or country commands a place, they have total control over it. 完全控制
Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea.
N-UNCOUNT Command is also a noun. 完全控制权
...the struggle for command of the air.
V-T An officer who commands part of an army, navy, or air force is responsible for controlling and organizing it. 指挥
...the French general who commands the U.N. troops in the region.
N-UNCOUNT Command is also a noun. 指挥
...a small garrison under the command of Major James Craig.
N-COUNT-COLL In the armed forces, a command is a group of officers who are responsible for organizing and controlling part of an army, navy, or air force. 指挥部
He had authorization from the military command to retaliate.
N-COUNT In computing, a command is an instruction that you give to a computer. 指令
I entered the command into my navigational computer.
N-UNCOUNT If someone has command of a situation, they have control of it because they have, or seem to have, power or authority. 控制 (局面等)
Mr. Baker would take command of the campaign.
N-UNCOUNT Your command of something, such as a foreign language, is your knowledge of it and your ability to use this knowledge. 掌握
His command of English was excellent.
PHRASE If you have a particular skill or particular resources at your command, you have them and can use them fully. 掌控
The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.