... rig-out 准备 ; 衣服 Wearing a bizarre rig-out 你有买公共汽车票的零钱吗 rig a boat out 给船装配好帆和索具 ...
rig out 装扮
Rig out a ship 装备一艘船
rig out bow planes 推出舰首水平舵
Wearing a bizarre rig-out 你有买公共汽车票的零钱吗
out of rig 舾装不全的 ; 失调的
out-of-pile rig 反应堆外台架
rig a boat out 给船装配好帆和索具
同义词: rigout
同义词: dress up fig out fig up deck up gussy up fancy up trick up deck out trick out prink attire get up rig out tog up tog out overdress
以上来源于: WordNet
V to equip or fit out (with) 装配
his car is rigged out with gadgets
N a person's clothing or costume, esp a bizarre outfit 装束; 尤指奇装异服 [非正式]
Where are you going in that rig-out?
A rig pounds an inlet out of the coast, sending rubble rattling down a pipe to the sea.
Following the explosion and fire on the rig, the blow-out preventer on the sea bed should have automatically sealed the well, but it failed, resulting in the massive oil spill.