[ 第三人称单数 obscures 现在分词 obscuring 过去式 obscured 过去分词 obscured 比较级 obscurer或more obscure 最高级 obscurest或most obscure ]
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... 暗的;朦胧的;模糊的;不清楚的;偏僻的v.使暗,使黑暗;遮掩;使失色:obscure 暗的,朦胧的;模糊的,晦涩的:obscure 暗淡的,模糊的,朦胧的 v.(使)变暗淡:dim ...
中文版 中文名称: 惊悚空间英文名称: Obscure别名: 恶夜杀机版本: 中文版发行时间: 2006年01月24日制作发行: 制作公司:育碧软件代理公司:中视网元地区: 大陆简介:中文名称:惊悚空间英文名称:O
Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德 ; 无名裘德 ; 暗谈的朱迪
Obscure 2 恶夜杀机 ; 暗夜杀机
obscure claret 迷离光影
obscure poetry 朦胧诗
obscure a 用于表达因光线不足而使人看不清楚 ; 阴暗 ; 模糊不清的 ; 费解的
obscure edema 潜在性水肿
obscure grays 暗线 ; 模糊射线 ; 闷心玻瑙
obscure camera 暗箱 ; 遮拦比
ADJ If something or someone is obscure, they are unknown, or are known by only a few people. 鲜为人知的
The origin of the custom is obscure.
ADJ Something that is obscure is difficult to understand or deal with, usually because it involves so many parts or details. 复杂难懂的; 难处理的
The contracts are written in obscure language.
V-T If one thing obscures another, it prevents it from being seen or heard properly. 遮掩
Trees obscured his vision; he couldn't see much of the square's southern half.
V-T To obscure something means to make it difficult to understand. 使…难懂
...the jargon that frequently obscures educational writing.