"But around the world, there are things happening, it's not all doom and gloom, " he added.
For incumbents this ought to be reason for paranoia, but it need not spell doom.
The gloom and doom jobs and unemployment reports are enough to discourage even the biggest optimist.
Losing to the studios now could doom their union as television gives way to the Internet.
Gloomy Greens argue that unrestrained human activities can, by changing the climate, doom humanity to extinction.
Even a movement of 10 percent could spell doom for Giuliani if he becomes the nominee.
CNN: Commentary: Will evangelicals choose Giuliani over faith?
To hear more on housing from Dr. Doom himself, watch the video below.
FORBES: Dr. Doom's Penthouse Purchase Comes With A Gloomy Housing Prediction
But in this situation, the prophets of economic doom are predicting even worse times ahead.
Since last fall the guts underlying gloom-and-doom market forecasts have been disproven one by one.
But a number of interested parties are hyping this problem to warn of near-Biblical doom.
John Carmack, the guy who wrote the Doom computer game is now designing rockets in Texas.
"I'm hearing all the doom and gloom, and I'm not really seeing it, " Quan-Soon said.
To do so would doom the economy to an extended period of very high inflation.
Though HomePlug works surprisingly well, its late arrival may doom it to playing catch-up.
Like Hotline Miami, I can see myself losing many hours spelunking toward my inevitable doom.
The end result is misaligned expectations, which could doom big, utility-scale projects to financial failure.
FORBES: Going Solar: A New Approach To Measuring Performance
After decades of Malthusian doom-mongering, how have we found ourselves in a position of such abundance?
Behind the immediate correction calls you also have the unending alarms of generalized doom.
Are you saying, as she contemplated her doom she never once said 'let me go'?
"In the blink of an eye, the gloom and doom and pessimism has dissipated, " Lieberman said.
The financial news in Europe is doom and gloom these days, with Greece headed for default.
FORBES: Financial Transaction Tax Won't Help Europe Get Back On Track
She said that people did not engage with 'doom and gloom' messages, leaving them feeling powerless.
Likewise, the dowdy design of Dell's music players help doom them from the start.
There is a lot of doom and gloom in the media representations of the education system.
He can let them happen one after another, like little spring shoots of doom.
Perhaps the burial of once-great Motorola will wake up others headed down this path to doom.
Id Software releases Doom, which pits a futuristic space marine against a hellish array of creatures.
But the current gloom and doom among investors in the region might yet prove overdone.
Time to panic, then, or at least dust off those doom-laden predictions of a double-dip recession?
The next version DOES have a button that lets you say Doom Comic oneliners.