Uxbal is not a man to lie back and ruminate at leisure, for the simple reason that he has no leisure.
The result does not so much flirt with the ridiculous as lie back and let the ridiculous do more or less what it wants, and Maddin aficionados will ask for nothing more.
The Hua Hin resort is the ideal place to lie back and relax, best savored by clinging couples, families with young children and retired folk, a large percentage of them from northern Europe.
The only way to get through it was the fitness equivalent of "lie back and think of England": outline what to do -- today, work on triceps, chest, shoulders -- do it, and don't even think about having fun.
Remember when you were a kid and it's a cloudy day and you lie back in the grass and watch the clouds passing by and changing form and you're trying to see if they're characters or animals or other shapes?
Does this work for kids being forced to lie on your back or your front?
In bed I would lie on my back practicing until I fell asleep.
WSJ: His Ukelele Is On Fire | Jake Shimabukuro | Cultural Conversation by Matthew Gurewitsch
And if it was really hot he sometimes suffered from nosebleeds and had to lie on his back indoors with a flannel and ice cubes pressed to his face.
In Prague, my friend showed me something I will not forget: he got me to lie on my back and peer at the underside of some piece of ambassadorial furniture.
Instead of declaring an unplayable lie and going back to the tee, he tried to hack the ball out right-handed, left it in the weeds, came up short again, and wound up with a six.
Then a question about a breach of trust, or a lie, brought Kumar back to why he was in the courtroom, and his face sagged.
Lie flat on your back on a blanket, lawn chair or sleeping bag and look up, taking in as much of the sky as possible.
But I took long breaks during the day so that I could sit or lie down somewhere to rest my back and legs.
Lie detector tests have been suggested to back up other ways of ensuring people are where they are supposed to be.
He would stand on tiptoe, bend double, lie on the ground, on his back or his stomach, take pan shots, medium shots, closeups, tracking shots, and panoramic shots, from above and from below, full face, from the side, from behind.
Richards confidently kicked the extras but again the Dragons refused to lie down and a try from Greenshields brought them back into the game as Bosc again showed his prowess with the boot.
In other word we have to extract the lie from the interest rate in order to get it back to telling the truth.
When you get back to the kids you have the option to lie to them or tell them the truth about why she went in there.
Australia refused to lie down and after Adam Ashley-Cooper got the Wallabies back on the scoreboard, only for Rokocoko to reach for the line at the other end.
Everyone at the plant is now back on full wages, although they realise difficult times could still lie ahead.
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Lindsay Lohan's alleged lie to a police officer investigating a car crash last June could send the actress back to jail next month.