Aghast at having to live under his old enemy Julius Caesar, he tried to stab himself.
We truly live under the illusion of order believing that planning and forecasting are possible.
Many live under the threat of physical violence if their husbands discover their plans.
That would violate many of the rules that other consecrated women were forced to live under.
Where girls and women live under the daily threat of violence, there can be no real collaboration.
Widows are twice as likely to live under the poverty line as men who have lost their wives.
After 32 years of Mr Suharto's authoritarian rule, many are happy to live under a less resolute regime.
In all, six of my nieces would live under Daddy Uncle Ro Ro's roof at one time or another.
And power is so devolved that you can more or less choose which rules you want to live under.
The idea that agriculture and drugs can live under one roof has failed for names ranging from the old Monsanto to Aventis.
Unlike Jersey and Guernsey, where the inhabitants had to live under Nazi occupation, Alderney was evacuated before the Germans invaded.
Two of Spain's most gifted artists, Picasso and the cellist Pablo Casals, chose exile rather than live under the dictatorship.
Immigrant Latinos are the most likely to live under the poverty line.
We live under the rule of cool, and we are expected to encounter the vicissitudes of the world with a certain degree of irony.
Some residents, who live under the flight path and are opposing the new runway plan, say better use could be made of existing airport capacity.
The settlers there could either live under Palestinian sovereignty or leave.
He told CNN the last big wave of the attack hit Tuesday morning, but that he doesn't "live under the illusion" that there won't be more.
Almost all of Caracas' streets empty of people by dusk as residents live under the pall of a homicide rate 20 times that of the United States.
Meanwhile, the traditional family support system is disintegrating as generations are less likely to live under the same roof, and depend less and less on each other.
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He says his plans will deliver lasting social, environmental and economic benefits and improve the lives of the 5m people who live under the flight path at Heathrow.
The cost of such "social protection" is evident in Athens' National Park, where hundreds of wild cats and homeless men live under flowering shrubs, eating from battered tin trays.
She can pinpoint with uncanny precision where a tumor will grow months ahead of time and predict how long a patient is likely to live under various treatment scenarios.
We seem to willfully live under a presumption that this time is different, that it must be real and exciting, because the laws protect us from the perfidy of con men.
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"It has been known for years by the educational authorities that foxes live under such makeshift buildings at schools, so it should come as no surprise that there was a fox present, " he said.
Despite readier access to medical services than in other prisons, not all inmates prefer incarceration at the six Federal Medical Centers operated by the prison bureau, where many live under even greater restrictions than at typical facilities.
When I talk about flooding of land with none Dutch and I tell them we live under sea level and that one day the sea will take the land back were my house is standing on now.
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"For those of us who do not fear being stopped as we approach or leave our own homes or those of our friends and families, it is difficult to believe that residents of one of our boroughs live under such a threat, " Judge Scheindlin wrote.