The guys have their little groups, and they go off to smoke cigars or whatever.
FORBES: What Will The World Be Like For Working Women In The Year 2020?
It can color-code by education, income, single-family homes or whatever specifications an advertiser wants.
For example, how plentiful are jobs in banking, construction or whatever your area of expertise is?
Now, it has this strident connotation, you know, a little bit man-hating maybe or whatever.
How do they do it if they're in the dry cleaning business or whatever?
They have no growth opportunities or their industries are declining, or whatever the issue may be.
You can say, well, we're going to fine them or whatever, that doesn't matter.
Everyone held on to coral or whatever they could to prevent themselves from being swept away.
What I mean is, like, a second explosion or whatever formed the first one.
They often use deodorant sticks or whatever else is at hand as stand-ins for microphones.
WSJ: In Thailand Today, Teen Monks Express the Spirit to a Rock Beat
"I mean, me saying 'spectacular' or whatever doesn't do his performance justice, " Krzyzewski said.
How does running an errand for someone make you a better swordsman? or mage? or whatever?
"I don't want people to look at this as, oh, a huge mistake or whatever, " she said.
"They have better trickle-down economics, are not affected by a weak dollar or whatever else, " he says.
"We saw The Beatles, or The Who, or The Sex Pistols, or whatever it was, " Bono said.
In addition, you want to prepare your pitch, presentation, or whatever you are delivering for the event.
FORBES: How To Calm Your Nerves And Be At Your Best During That High-Stakes Career Situation
"Canadians must give up their tar sands and go back to making beer or whatever, " he said.
"During a time of war or whatever, the occupation ... you kind of expect it, " he says.
The near real time could be differentiation from Facebook, MySpace, or whatever Google does with social activity.
You take the splinter out, or whatever is causing the problem, and you pass the clean bill.
The downside for Manziel: he is a football player, not a collegiate golfer or boxer, or whatever.
FORBES: Heisman Trophy Winner Manziel Punished By NCAA And NFL
Have we as teachers, parents, neighbors, clergy, family, friends, doctors, therapists, shopkeepers, coaches, or whatever failed that badly?
FORBES: Suicide Prevention Comes to Facebook: A Life-Saving Option With A Dark Side
Then the movie you came for begins, but soon the film breaks or bulb goes out or whatever.
FORBES: Frustrated Google Users Seek To Give Tech Giant A Taste Of Its Own Medicine
Still, is that incentive enough to blow a hundred bucks, or whatever it costs, on a beauty treatment?
Perhaps the received wisdom (conventional or unorthodox, or whatever you want to call it) needs to be revisited.
FORBES: Buffett-Backed Chinese Car Company Faces Regulatory Hurdle
Even if you hook the whole thing up to rapid prototypers, you are getting fake cars or whatever.
So it really has nothing to do with his album or whatever else he's doing in his life.
But in three years it will increase to seven percent or whatever the market can very well demand.
They just choose, or are lured by powerful urges, or whatever, to match outside the confines of matrimony.
FORBES: Marriage Is A Private Matter That's None Of The Federal Government's Business
To be truthful, his agent contacted my chief scout about possibilities or whatever, but we've never discussed it.