To compete, all the combatants have been stockpiling patents, in something of an arms race.
As any professional photographer must be these days, Muller is also something of an entrepreneur.
Though that would now be something of an exaggeration, the island does have a magical history.
But, we have lost something of the newspaper experience along the way: Stories no longer find us.
In addition to chart-topping music and high-profile acting gigs, she's become something of an endorsement queen.
The first five installments of the series are something of an art-history and philosophy course.
The Joola, however, was something of a standard-issue ferry inconspicuously constructed in a German shipyard.
FORBES: A Maritime Tragedy Worse Than The Titanic: Why Don't We Care About the Joola?
But the industry has been suffering something of an identity crisis in recent years.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Mail order looks beyond the printed page
Henke found out, much to his delight, that Springsteen is something of a pack rat.
FORBES: On the Streets of Philadelphia: Constitution Center Hosts Bruce Springsteen Exhibit
She's something of a foodie but has been able to eat only microwaveable foods, she adds.
"Bulworth" is a satire about a politician going through something of a midlife crisis.
Activision Blizzard still makes from World of Warcraft, it is something of a big deal.
FORBES: World of Warcraft Lost 1.3M Subscribers In The Last Three Months
"Barnet's transport department has been something of a shambles over the last few years, " she added.
To say it has not gone the way he wanted is something of an understatement.
The production of Mulan turned into something of a convention for ethnic Asians in entertainment.
Clearly, the Brotherhood, and the soon-to-be Egyptian president, have developed something of a credibility problem.
Making tiny investments in early-stage firms has become something of a fad in Silicon Valley.
Turkey's boots-on-the-ground approach is having something of a catalytic effect on the aid community.
Diamond says there was also something of a backlash in France about the Aubracs' celebrity.
Something of a problem: although it seems that this might not be entirely true.
But for Verizon Wireless itself, this could turn out to be something of a mixed bag.
FORBES: Verizon Gets The iPhone, But It Will Cost Them A Fortune
He has a point, of course, but deafness seems like something of a special case.
In a matter of months, the book has developed something of a cult following.
Max also visits children in the hospital and has become something of a role model.
While those releases are something of a turbocharger for quarterly earnings, they also raise concerns.
FORBES: Markets Rewind: J.C. Penney Jettisons Johnson, Earnings Season Begins - Forbes
If the Giants hoped that first play would be something of a tone-setter, it really wasn't.
The Third International Mathematics and Science Survey represented something of a watershed in this regard.
This could be regarded as something of a problem for the exploitation of the field really.
Most surprisingly: West Coast companies peddling wild new technologies have become something of a safe haven.
He loves the idea of being productive and creating something of value for people.