To survive and succeed will require lots of talent, lots of acquisitions and lots more money.
Whether all this will allow Rockwell to survive as a stand-alone company is another matter.
It has been a positive experience, although the long winter meant this colony did not survive.
To those hardy enough to survive here, it offered a life ruled only by the elements.
They live in the factory's dormitory, and survive on food deliveries brought in by boat.
To survive, he says, companies must undergo a transplant of corporate DNA, and few survive the surgery.
McAlinden says GM might not survive without deeper concessions, and UAW President Ronald Gettelfinger understands the risk.
Proving that she could leave Wall Street and survive felt like the biggest bet of her life.
With hopes dimming that Kaiba would survive, doctors tried the medical equivalent of a "Hail Mary" pass.
But how would Compaq survive if one of five of the computers it brought to the marketplace succeeded?
Besides, retailing is very competitive and a highly cyclical business where only the strongest companies survive.
FORBES: What To Do With Sears, J.C Penney, And Best Buy Stocks
Two more Aids orphans to join the 10 million already trying to survive in Africa.
Described that way, the phenomenon sounds like something we should be relieved just to survive.
How, the thinking went, could you survive as a media conglomerate without such an Internet presence?
Schwartz also will have to contend with other satellite networks that may survive the Iridium effect.
Mr Miles said the facility was needed if the area's shops were to survive.
Today's editions, thanks to more durable materials, are likely to survive in large quantities.
Impossible, since there was no way to tell what would survive the bombing to come.
He had abundant stocks of tinned food, fuel, and water with which to survive the winter.
But the farmers have to go on growing and selling their produce to survive.
When this happens, when profits are positive, the company can thrive and survive indefinitely.
FORBES: Sustainability -- I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means
In general, richer places and richer people are better able to survive and rebound.
ECONOMIST: Disasters are about people and planning, not nature��s pomp
His marriage did not survive his introduction, in 1857, to Ellen Ternan, an actress.
They come here because they just want to be able to make a living to survive.
And we concluded that this company can easily survive in the worst of situations.
The boy did survive, and his descendants took to treating all kites with the deepest reverence.
The drought in the region has been so severe that quiver trees are struggling to survive.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Climate threat has plants quivering
"EUrope cannot survive without Russia, and Russia has a deep need of Western technology, " he says.
Nurturing these six personal traits can help you survive divorce both emotionally and financially.
FORBES: The Six Personal Traits That Help Women Successfully Survive Divorce
Meteorologists warned residents to go underground to survive a direct hit from the tornado.