The reaction to take-up of the ECB's second long-term refinancing operation was fairly muted.
Take-up has been hot in the U.S. and Europe with hype surrounding several particular cyber merriments.
Both degrees have 80% take-up rates in the industry within 12 months of graduating.
Outside Sarajevo, take-up of the Bosnian notes has been slowest in the Croat-dominated south and west.
It found music service provision across Wales varied greatly in terms of range, take-up and affordability.
BBC: School music lessons in Wales cut by ?500k since report
The lifestyles of young people could explain the trends in take-up of Isas among the younger generation.
Even BankBoston, one of the American banks with the highest customer take-up, has only around 10% online.
There is in any case a large a question mark over the take-up of elected mayors outside London.
Nonetheless, most secondary students were found to have positive attitudes to learning languages despite low take-up at GCSE.
The take-up of mechanisation will depend on where the produce is going and how carefully machines can pick it.
One of the key factors driving take-up is the marketing efforts from providers such as BT, AOL and Freeserve.
Take-up has increased 300% since November last year and ADSL has come down in price by 30% since then.
But the absence of reliable power supplies in all but a couple of cities will probably limit the take-up.
The take-up of loans by companies remains flatter than a very flat pancake.
Take-up of the vaccine has dropped in recent years because of research claims it may be linked to autism.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Measles outbreak affects children
But regulatory hurdles remain to the take-up of bacteria-based tests in these countries.
Indeed, Minitel is now proving a barrier to the take-up of Internet banking.
This removed many of the gender inequalities in subject take-up that previously existed.
Take-up in primaries was 44.1%, up 2.7 percentage points on 2009-10, and 37.6% in secondaries, up from 35.8%, it said.
Ms Garfield added that if take-up increases "dramatically" in the future and government assistance is made available, plans could change.
Nor, however wildly consultants draw their optimistic take-up curves, is the Internet going to be universal for the foreseeable future.
Some think that date is unrealistic due to the slow take-up of digital radio and the current lack of coverage.
In 2010-11, the take-up rate for this age group was 64% in Nottingham, compared to a national target of 80%.
BBC: Cervical screening: Third of Nottingham women miss tests
By rolling out the higher speed networks, the government hopes to boost the take-up of telemedicine, home working and cloud computing.
July's provisional take-up survey figures showed we are finally turning the corner - as all the experts accept, including Jamie Oliver.
Adoption barriers must be eliminated as much as possible to spur take-up.
FORBES: On Take-off Runway With A Chance of Runaway Growth: A Case of Social Products
Two exam boards which produce the qualifications are reporting increases in take-up.
It also shows that in Wales, the take-up of broadband in rural areas (69%) continues to be higher than urban areas (62%).
If successful, these and other small-scale demonstrations could lead to the widespread commercial take-up of superconducting cables within the next few years.
"I think what you're going to see in the next few months is a massive take-up, " he told the BBC News website.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | First digital TV switch date set