Being squarely in my 50s, I might have appreciated the joke more than most.
Who would have seen the joke, and the horror, more clearly than Pina Bausch?
We have to admit, we found Cook's delivery funnier than the joke itself, albeit unwittingly.
So I can sit here and carp all day, but the joke's really on me.
"The joke is that we're the real angry bird, " Limbic Chief Executive Arash Keshmirian says.
It's all in good fun, of course, and Phil's handlers are getting in on the joke.
The multi-camera sitcom is now recognizing the value of a story mixed in with the joke.
The joke is on all my friends who quit their jobs to work for dotcoms.
So much for the joke that Google's share offering was not for the froogle.
"People get the joke, " says Benjamin Silverman, who produced the show with Interpublic and Survivor Svengali Burnett.
Today, I live in Silicon Valley, and I guarantee the joke could be played here in reverse.
The band has made strides to embrace their image and be "in on the joke", says Paynter.
Someone pointed out that with our newly launched foreign-language interfaces, we could extend the joke beyond English.
But the fact that these guys carry on as if they were students is half the joke.
Mercer model of prank calls: Let the person in on the joke before things spiral out of control.
The joke Down Under is that John Soutter should be fired for getting his sales projections so wrong.
With Catherine Keener, thank heaven, as a fellow agent, and the only person present to see the joke.
For Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Macedonia the joke is that they are getting not progress but stagnation reports.
Most of the time they are harmless enough: both sides get the joke.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
In the end, however, the joke may really be on Zuckerberg after all.
Goodman says The Hold Steady are very self-conscious, which can be alienating to people who don't get the joke.
In the joke, a large arrow points to a red button and reads, emphatically, DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON.
No one in the office was authorized to make changes to the joke.
The joke gets worse after that, so there is no point in continuing.
In fact, the joke is that telecommuting is just the name we give to work we do at home.
Soon the joke will stop being funny because it will stop being true.
Such good fortune seems to require a certain wry detachment: You're in on the joke, or you risk becoming it.
Although the joke was always on the feeble Rigsby and not the unflappable Philip, such jibes would never be allowed today.
The engineers thought the joke was just too funny to eliminate entirely, so they simply shifted the interface to another language.
"The joke is, thank God aspirin is around, because you'd never get it on the market these days, " says Pharmacia's Ando.