I've written a few thousand words and the working title is The Friends of Harry Perkins.
Being seen to be doing his job, and doing it well, is worth a thousand rallies.
Since then it has stormed into popular culture, littered a thousand newspaper headlines and prompted numerous "backronyms".
In the end, it could all come down to those last few thousand voters.
Twenty-two thousand people came to see Santa today, and not all of them are well-behaved.
Three thousand cyclists, including families and young children, took part in the protest ride last year.
The State Department estimates that several thousand U.S. citizens are arrested in Mexico each year.
CNN: Arizona mom turns to scripture to survive in Mexican jail
Several thousand dot-commers have been laid-off in the last few months here in the Bay Area.
The house also contains more than a thousand rare musical instruments, all of which Lanier plays.
Yet only four thousand have been processed, and of these a third have been denied.
To appease his critics, however, he repaid a few thousand dollars of the charges.
FORBES: Former Detroit Mayor Found Guilty On Multiple Counts, Including Tax Charges
There were three thousand people in the seats and fifteen thousand more on the lawns beyond.
One was priced at twelve thousand dollars, the two others at twenty-five thousand apiece.
I'll be happy when one day we do a thousand shows in one night.
BBC: Should music fans stop filming gigs on their smartphones?
An estimated twenty thousand people gathered outside the hall each day to follow the proceedings.
Launched in late October, 1-800 Present had logged more than a thousand calls by mid-November.
Mark Hurd wanted people experienced with tough problems, like laying off fifteen thousand people.
Several thousand pounds of dirt had been on top of the cousins, Carpenter said.
CNN: Searchers find bodies of children buried by wall of dirt
In North America, GM loses more than a thousand dollars on every passenger car it sells.
Most students leave university with a degree - and an average debt of several thousand pounds.
Farmers also unloaded more than a thousand lifeless ducks into the Nan River in Sichuan province.
In a little less than a year, it sent back more than seven thousand images.
Shaped like a spinning top, it moves at more than thirteen thousand miles an hour.
It certainly concerns a hundred thousand plus troops deployed and also their families here at home.
"I think there is in excess of a thousand people here today, " she said.
According to Politico, it was Crow who made the five-hundred-thousand-dollar contribution to Liberty Central.
The second convoy, a week later, also went to Riga: a thousand people, 16 survivors.
It boasts a thousand experts in data encryption, computer forensics, disaster planning and recovery.
Moore had shipped these component fossils to Prokopi in three crates weighing nearly three thousand pounds.
The regulators prevented retail investors from participating, despite the risks being disclosed in a thousand-page prospectus.
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