My spirit is enough strong, but my body can not bear it.
In this month I hear from you, your Mum has suffered cancer. I am afried you can not bear it.
David: : it takes most of our weekends to listen to these boring lectures, so I can not bear it anymore.
Although Bear Stearns has not yet admitted which versions of these derivatives it held, one can glean some characteristics from letters the funds sent to investors months ago.
I'm not sure I can bear to persist if the only prize is a sculpture that will be demolished as soon as it has been photographed.
“Living wills” can force banks to plan for their own collapse, which should make it easier to protect depositors while forcing creditors, not taxpayers, to bear the pain.
If my children are not filial to me, I can by no means bear it even if it happens fairly often.
Yes, look at this tree, I can not make it bloom and suit me, nor make it bear food before it's time.
As you can see, Groovy's math-like overload operators can not only bear quite a load, but they can do it apace!
Here in Blagoveschensk, it is not hard to find bear PAWS for sale; a casual inquiry at a meat counter can make the connection.
I can bear so much pain, you can not imagine it?
It will be a long story. We have many differences, for example, she usually puts all her clothes into washing machine. That is the sort of thing I can not bear.
The advantage of travel is that it can be far away from the daily life, but also do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.
The advantage of travel is that it can be far away from the daily life, but also do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.
Linear bearings do not bear the rotating load, otherwise it can lead to accidents.
Can not bear to leave, because it has used to spend the day and night, though short-lived to only from spring to autumn.
This material can not withstand strong stresses, neither can it bear high temperature.
Look at this tree, Shifu, I can not make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruits before it's time.
If they do not wear, and can not bear to throw it donated to the disaster area people off!
It was once said that if there is a 369 square km of fairyland on earth, which shocked the world a beautiful, beautiful people can not bear to have memories, and that is bound to Zhangjiajie!
They can also work in conditions that humans could not bear, where it is very hot, very noisy, or where there are dangerous rays.
It gave me inspiration stones, I actually can not bear to put it away.
It gave me inspiration stones, I actually can not bear to put it away.