Under what conditions has nationalism been a force in state-building or in state collapse?
Whichever way state collapse is assessed, it will always be an imperfect measure of priorities for policymakers.
Collapse: Conflict has elevated Somalia into the unenviable position of the world's most failed state.
Zimbabwe declared a state of emergency today as a cholera epidemic, caused by the collapse of sewerage and water supply systems, spread throughout the country.
For the first time since the collapse of Somalia as a unitary state in 1991, Saudi and Lebanese traders have ventured into the local livestock markets.
But as a result of rising population, rising affluence, and rising awareness of the value of education, millions of families are now in a state of nervous collapse regarding college admissions.
LAST year a collapse in a coal mine triggered a small earthquake in Saarland, a speck of a state near Germany’s border with France.
Then there's the tendency among some to collapse into a temporary state of paralysis whenever they become excited.
Health, sanitation and education systems are all in a state of collapse.
Strange as it seems, a de-fanged, steady-state version of the current settlement might offer the best prospect humankind has ever had of avoiding collapse.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 foreign investors rushed to snap up former state-owned and collective farms.
If the trend continues, the industry faces collapse in a state where more than a third of its borrowers live.
untimately, they predict the total collapse of a state with 180m people and a nuclear arsenal, whose soil provides al-Qaeda with its global headquarters.
"We don't want our state to collapse," says the doleful Mr Abu Bakr.
“我们不想国家瓦解”,忧郁的阿布•克尔(abu Bakr)说。
It is one of the last big asset sales by South Korea's state-owned financial institutions, which took over many companies during the economic collapse of the late 1990s.
Rising output slowed the decline of state revenues and by the end of 2009 these had grown, year-on-year, for the first time since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 (see chart).
Perhaps, some may say, it shows that state failure is an extremely elastic term, embracing both countries in total collapse (Somalia, Chad) and those which merely contain large ungoverned Spaces.
When the network is in the state of congestion collapse, the network throughput will decreases sharply with tiny load increment.
But fame increasingly consists in a state of almost constant near- collapse.
Returns or sets the expand and collapse state of the current row in the current band.
Returns the expand and collapse state of the current row in the current band.
This particular transition state has to do with the collapse of the collective lies of your culture.
Its efficiency was demonstrated by computing the limit load factor and the collapse state for some plane stress and plain strain problems.
In the free-flow state with light load, attacking 40-50 percent big nodes will make the whole network collapse.
When the stress of wellbore is close to critical loads, wellbore is in the state of instability, and when dynamic disturbance is present, wellbore will collapse because of in…
When the stress of wellbore is close to critical loads, wellbore is in the state of instability, and when dynamic disturbance is present, wellbore will collapse because of in…