So,the editors just buy--completely buy--the text's own mythology and produce all this apparatus around it to help us believe it, too.
So it's always that classic match-up of just like opposites, but it's great to watch and everything.
- So this commands, number two here -- can someone just quickly translate into the English what it is doing for us? Yeah?
Yup. So it's just that ionization energy 94×10-18J that we have experimentally measured, 3 . 9 4 times 10 to the negative 18 joules.
Before I do however could I just ask the people- yes thank you so much.
So there will be--just I can have artificial hearts, artificial limbs, artificial brains which will get imprinted with the same personality.
In the long run, we want The Wall Street Journal and so I guess that-- we just have to accept that.
The electrons are not equally shared and the carbon hogs the electrons a little bit more than the hydrogen, so the carbon is electron-rich and the hydrogen is just a little bit electron-deficient.
So people were dying of old age and that was really heart disease that was killing them they just didn't know, so it's multi-factorial and we'll talk about that.
But it's just--F is just a half step away, so that's good.
It's just this kind of rhetorical trick that Milton uses - so many rhetorical tricks like this that Milton will use throughout the poem -- that led Dr. Johnson to say in utter exasperation, but admiration, that "Milton wrote no language": this isn't English that Milton is writing here.
So there's two firms, just as there was before, and just as there was before--so the players are those two firms, and just as there was last time, they're producing an identical product.
I mean probably those of you-- I mean I can see you people squirming right now when I--just at the mention of that-- so I'm not going to go through the process of having you close your eyes and imagine eating the cockroach.
So very often, our self-interest will just stop our desire to do what's right.
So if you need more--bigger numbers, you just have a 16's column and a 32's column, and so forth.
So the so-called lounge what you'll be able to find in just a week or so is timed with the first of the office hours if you so choose to join us for them.