But it's actually not even quite so easy or so simple as these early scenes that I've just discussed might make out.
But over here, there's a bit of a competition to see who can eat the strongest curry, I think quite often, so.
If a firm is competing against a customer let's say for a non-prime loan perhaps that assumption is not quite so safe.
But, we didn't do that many stocks, or that many days, so it's quite plausible that it's correct.
One aspect of their language which maybe you've noticed in On the Road--it's not quite so pronounced in On the Road as it is elsewhere, certainly--in the letters that these figures write to each other.
Muslims are actually doing quite well financially in America, so in some ways they are fitting in very well on many many levels.
So realize if it doesn't quite sink in today, not a problems in terms of these low level details.
So they were quite amused that it was a woman that was speaking to them and telling them about how hard life was, doing that kind of work.
So my feeling is if we are in downturn it's quite likely to be mild like the last two.
Sometimes the questions are worded quite differently, so I just want to sum up here the different ways they could be worded.
The similes are continually working to unleash -and they're really quite unruly in this respect -to unleash the moral and the theological confusion that so much of the rest of the poem seems really quite eager to pin down and to fix.
when I was explaining it to Professor Shiller, he said he didn't quite follow it, so I probably shouldn't try it, and he knows more than I do.
So it is quite a cross cut of students in the class.
So this is quite motivating and I'm glad to be at a place like Stanford where there is a lot of collaboration going on where we can really achieve this type of goal.
So the real pressure is not quite the same because of this attractive force as it was, as it would be without the attractive forces.
So yeah, it's quite amazing really that 400 or so years after the guy, you know, has gone.
I think that word "see" deserves the accent there, and so it's--the first unit of sound isn't quite normative.
So it's quite, it's quite important, so the students have quite a bit of power in that way,
This way of teaching did not perhaps quite so much for a variety of reasons permeate public school literature teaching, but it was simply, as a result of Understanding Poetry, the way to go. It took time.
Yes, that's probably true as a general observation, whether it comes through clearly on these two-- this comparison-- I'm not quite so sure, but there--I wouldn't say there's a great deal of detail in the first one.