And this new pharaoh will enslave the Israelites, and so embitter their lives, that their cry will rise up to heaven the same cry from the generation of the flood, the same cry from Sodom and Gomorrah.
In other words, the teaching fellows I had in those days who knows? They may rise up against me in the same way this semester -but the teaching fellows I had in those days said, "You can't teach an introduction.
it seems here to rise up and out of the city and the river.
Milton actually wrote that it was the duty, not just the right but the duty, of a nation to rise up and dethrone through execution an unjust, though legitimate, king.
That's a most ludicrous word, really, in contemporary social science or orthodox Marxist, where you just had to say, "Well, eventually the proletariat will rise up, because the bourgeoisie did this before."
That rate of rise is steeper so they--antibody levels go up more rapidly and they reach a higher level.