Somewhere behind this also looms the idea that the ins will now be able to boss around the outs.
This common commander loves to boss around little guys, giving followers of level 6 or lower a Death Strike ability.
I was bored with my job, and I used to get really angry at my boss and the way he used to order me around all the time.
Around half said that an important part of their decision to start a firm was that they wanted to be their own boss, and live a more balanced, flexible life.
Get to know them — they're going to be around for awhile, and, who knows, one of them may end up being your boss someday.
Octavio Marenzi, the boss of Celent, a consultancy, says that American commercial banks are aiming to cut their costs by around five percentage points in total.
If your boss promises you a promotion or raise and then never brings it up again, don't sit around waiting for her to broach the topic again.
The greatest predictor of how long talented workers will stick around, however, is the relationship they have with their immediate boss.
I have even spoken with developers that had to use Zend framework for every single project they did because their boss was told that this was the best framework around.
On November 17th UBS’s newish boss, Oswald Grübel, a hard-bitten veteran who was hauled out of retirement in February, outlined plans to turn the bank around.
十一月十七日,瑞银的新老板Oswald Grübel,一个倔强的“老兵”被从二月份刚开始的退休生活中召回,制定银行转型的计划。
The former boss of AT&T took over at GM only last December, but the bankers handling the IPO feared that, at 68, he might not be around for the long haul.
作为AT&T前任老板的Ed Whitacre是在去年12月份转任通用老总的,但是负责代理通用上市的银行却担心68岁的Ed Whitacre将缺席这项长期的重任。
Lee: we are going to our company toda ~ you can have a meeting with our boss and colleagues, see the show room, then we '11 show you around the factories tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Try not to be too emotional with those around you. Being unappreciated by your boss could make it hard to do your work effectively.
They don't cower when the boss comes around.
"Moving even a comma around here means going up against the big boss," she says of the patriarch.
And so one night, he closed the door to his room and evaluated his brothers and sisters as if he were a cold-hearted boss sent in to turn around a failing company.
My first glimpse of an office birthday party was via the movie Office Space, when the corporate drones stand awkwardly around the cake and sing “Happy Birthday” to their boss in monotone voices.
Repeat what your boss says so that you are on the same page about next steps, otherwise you're in for a rude awakening when the due date comes around.
I think of myself as a boss that creates new things that could be used by people all around the world.
As I turn around, my boss enters and says my name loudly.
Another variation of the tyrant or bully boss is the toxic boss, a term that has been around for a number of years.
If you're constantly talking about how you used to do things at your last job or when the old boss was in charge, people will wonder why you stick around.
The boss of DaimlerChrysler was forced to admit on September 19th that his efforts to turn the American carmaker around had stalled.
Don't wait around for your boss or someone else to assign you the job of coming up with better ways to do things or assign you the task of dreaming up an idea for a future product or service.
You go see your boss or someone in HR, hand over your quitting letter, then wait for the news to spread around the office.
I would sit around and stew about all the things that made me upset, all the work I didn't accomplish, the things I'd like to say to my boss.
Citi’s boss divulged the information in an internal memo that was leaked, causing Citi’s share price to rise from its death bed, having fallen to around $1.
Bob Marshall, the company's boss, says he could imagine 1,000 monitoring stations around the world by 2021.
Bob Marshall, the company's boss, says he could imagine 1,000 monitoring stations around the world by 2021.