She says the federal case was flawed, citing testimony by a prosecution expert witness.
Expert witness system is countries of Anglo-American law system is an important part of the system.
Professional expert witness is one of the important items in evidence law in many countries over the world.
In recent years, in the field of civil procedural law, the research of the expert witness system is booming.
Shopper said he once served as an expert witness in amurder case in which the defendant had paranoid psychosis.
He also has court experience as an expert witness with respect to a number of high-profile cases relating to IP.
With the permission of the court, the litigant may question the witnesses, the expert witness and the inspector.
The main content of this paper includes four parts as following: Chapter one, the overview of the expert witness.
At trial, Jonathan Brodie, a psychiatrist at NYU Medical School who was the prosecution's expert witness, went further.
Chapter three, the investigation of the stands quo of the expert witness system of civil litigation of our country.
Rushdoony was frequently called as an expert witness by the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) in court cases.
In the countries of Anglo-American law system, being in the broadest sense of the expert witness or act as general witness.
Third, if he has served as a witness, expert witness or defender in the case or has represented a party in an incidental civil action.
The appeals court said the conviction was unsound because testimony had been barred from an expert witness deemed crucial to Mr Nacchio's defence.
Supreme Court firstly made a trial stipulation for expert witness in witness Institution of Law of Civil Procedure, but very simple and general.
The arbitral tribunal may require the retirement of any witness or witnesses or expert witnesses during the testimony of other witnesses or expert witnesses.
Acting recently as an expert witness in a murder trial, I became aware of a small legal problem caused by the increasingly multicultural nature of our society.
That can also enhance judicial efficiency. Expert Opinion Evidence Rule involves Expert Witness, Expert Opinion, Credibility, Professional Rule and other issues.
The quality of the expert witness is the evidence method and the testimony of the expert is the evidence data and the foundation that the judge supposes the truth.
Even an expert witness called to discuss statistical movements of stock prices turned feisty as he sparred with prosecutors seeking to discredit his analysis and testimony.
In this paper, the author points out not only the contradiction about the problem in China but also the actuality and rationality of establishing expert witness system.
If the party has demurrer to the qualification of the expert witness, like the professional knowledge, education background, he can inquire the expert witness in court.
Expert witness system to protect the right of action in the identification of the embodiment of experts, starting power distribution during the cross-examination evidence.
However, we have become aware of expert witness system can not be instead of expert examiner system from he exposed problems during the judicial practice of expert system.
With respect to an evaluation made by an expert witness, the unit to which the expert witness belongs shall certify his status by affixing its seal to the expert conclusion.
Improving the initiation criterion, the restriction of qualification and the cross-examination procedure on expert witness system helps judges find out the technical dispute.
Until the incident in 2010, Rekers was regularly testifying in court cases as an expert witness against gay adoption and spoke out widely about his therapeutic success.
Until the incident in 2010, Rekers was regularly testifying in court cases as an expert witness against gay adoption and spoke out widely about his therapeutic success.