战创伤止血敷料的现状及展望|创伤外科|医学论文发表|医学论文投稿|中国医学论文投稿网 关键词】 创伤,战伤,止血,敷料 [gap=478]Key words:trauma;war injury;haemostasis;dressing
修整单滚道砂轮用滚轮 关键词:修整,滚轮,电镀 [gap=278]Keywords:dressing, idler wheel, electroplating
DRESSING ROOM 试衣间 ; 化妆室 ; 化装室 ; 换药室
Dressing table [家具] 梳妆台 ; 打扮台 ; 调理台 ; [家具] 化妆台
Window dressing 门面粉饰 ; 报喜不报忧 ; 粉饰橱窗 ; 橱窗装饰
salad dressing 沙拉酱 ; 色拉酱 ; 沙拉酱汁 ; 沙拉要什麽调味酱
cross-dressing 变装 ; 跨界穿衣 ; 易服 ; 性别易装
Thousand Island dressing 千岛酱 ; 千岛汁 ; 千岛沙拉酱 ; 千岛沙律酱
short dressing gown 短晨衣 ; 短朝衣 ; 欠朝衣
French dressing 一种由橄榄油 ; 法国汁 ; 法汁 ; 法式色拉酱
Russian dressing 加辣酱油的蛋黄酱 ; 蛋黄酱 ; 俄式调味酱
N-MASS A salad dressing is a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings, which you pour over salad. 色拉调料
Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl.
N-COUNT A dressing is a covering that is put on a wound to protect it while it heals. 敷料
Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.
N-MASS Dressing is a mixture of food that is cooked and then put inside a bird such as a turkey before it is eaten. (烹调时塞入火鸡等中的) 填料 [美国英语]
...cornbread dressing for the first Thanksgiving she cooked at home.