[ 比较级 more eternal 最高级 most eternal ]
...这不仅是他们自己的救赎,恐怕也是地球本身的救赎。 异人族的起源 异人族原本都是普通人类,但是他们的基因融入了永恒者(Eternals,宇宙天神组Celestials在地球培养的半神超能种族)的基因,由此产生了超能力。
Shadow of the Eternals 永恒的阴影 ; 永恒阴影
The Amazing Eternals 惊奇永生
City of Eternals 永恒之城
The Eternals 表演者
Eternals of Days 永恒日
Blessing of the eternals 地盾和永恒祝福
Eternals Summoner 英灵召唤师
Magic of the Eternals 不朽的魔法
" "Eternal child" has just fallen asleep in our heart.
参考来源 - 儿童的世界Based on the general frame and steps, the paper analyzes the institute’s internal and eternal environment according to enterprise strategy theory.
参考来源 - 上海市政工程设计研究院发展战略研究Human life is a course of pursuing eternal value.
参考来源 - 王国维紧张人生的解读·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"eternal truths"
同义词: ageless aeonian eonian everlasting perpetual unending unceasing
"the wait seemed eternal"; "eternal quarreling"
同义词: endless interminable
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something that is eternal lasts forever. 永恒的
...the quest for eternal youth.
eternally ADV 永恒地
She is eternally grateful to her family for their support.
ADJ If you describe something as eternal, you mean that it seems to last forever, often because you think it is boring or annoying. 无休止的
In the background was that eternal hum.
Eternals are the divine-like beings of Azeroth and the other planes, who shape the large arcs of history for good and ill.
The tangled web of relationships among the Eternals means that a favor performed for one may be a slight to several others.