• 没什么,”罗茜心不在焉

    "Nothing," Rosie said in an absent way.


  • 没什么,也很少空闲时间

    I had little money and little free time.


  • 医生安慰没什么严重

    The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong.


  • 年轻没有经验,也没什么名气

    He was young and untried, with no reputation of his own.


  • 方面没什么要说的了。

    I have nothing further to say in this regard.


  • 认为与其他人没什么两样

    He saw he was no different than anybody else.


  • 两种选择几乎没什么差别

    There's practically no difference between the two options.


  • 没什么极度自责解脱出来。

    Nothing could relieve my terrible sense of blame.


  • 没什么特别值得关注的事情可报告

    I found nothing particularly noteworthy to report.


  • 身高英尺,没什么特别的记号

    He was about six feet tall, with no distinguishing marks.


  • 多赚点钱没什么不道德

    There's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money.


  • 没什么的。”冷冷地

    'I have nothing to say to you,' she said icily.


  • 没什么好玩的!可能有人受到伤害。

    It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt.


  • 意思这儿等下去没什么意义

    What she means is that there's no point in waiting here.


  • 椰子汁没什么营养价值

    Coconut milk has little nutritive value.


  • 发火,没什么大不了

    Don't have a cow—it's no big deal.


  • 看到稍有增长没什么令人激动的

    I see growth slightly up, but nothing to write home about.


  • 片湖周围乡村总的来说没什么特别的。

    Around the lake the countryside generally is nothing special.


  • 但现在再也没什么感情了

    I used to love her but she's nothing to me any more.


  • 这块猪排没什么

    There's not much meat on this chop.


  • 就音乐而言他们最新的专辑没什么特别的。

    Musically speaking, their latest album is nothing special.


  • 那里真的没什么食物了。大约能维持

    There's really not very much food down there. About two weeks' worth.


  • 没什么味道

    The soup has very little taste.


  • 这些笔记总是便笺信封背面上,没什么特别的。

    The notes were always on scratch paper or the back of an envelope, nothing fancy.


  • 谢谢丰盛的晚餐。”—“没什么,”萨拉说道

    "Thank you for the wonderful dinner."—"It's nothing," Sarah said.


  • 觉得匹马上花$1000赌注没什么了不起的。

    I thought nothing of betting $1,000 on a horse.


  • 这位比尔克林顿和那位著名的同名人不同,政治没什么兴趣

    Unlike his more famous namesake, this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics.


  • 可以等着—我没什么特别的事。

    I don't mind waiting—I'm not in any particular hurry.


  • 压根儿没什么好抱怨的,是不是?

    She could scarcely complain, could she?


  • 死亡我来说没什么可怕的。

    Death doesn't hold any fear for me.


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