[ 复数 challenges 第三人称单数 challenges 现在分词 challenging 过去式 challenged 过去分词 challenged ]
Challenge Cup 挑战杯 ; 优胜杯 ; 奖杯 ; 随机战
challenge of the gobots 百变雄师 ; 百变雄狮
University Challenge 大学挑战赛 ; 大学挑战 ; 大学生知识竞赛 ; 大学对抗赛
City Challenge 城市挑战 ; 市挑战方案
ice bucket challenge 冰桶挑战 ; 冰桶挑战赛 ; ALS冰桶挑战 ; 挑战
World Solar Challenge 太阳能赛车挑战赛 ; 太阳能车挑战赛
The Challenge 格斗挑战赛 ; 谁与争锋 ; 挑战 ; 放手一搏
Pirelli World Challenge 倍耐力世界挑战赛 ; 挑战赛
N-VAR A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination. 挑战
The new government's first challenge is the economy.
N-VAR A challenge to something is a questioning of its truth or value. A challenge to someone is a questioning of their authority. 质疑
The demonstrators have now made a direct challenge to the authority of the government.
PHRASE If someone rises to the challenge, they act in response to a difficult situation which is new to them and are successful. 奋起应对挑战
The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.
V-T If you challenge ideas or people, you question their truth, value, or authority. 质疑
Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.
The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics.
V-T If you challenge someone, you invite them to fight or compete with you in some way. 向…发出挑战
Marsyas thought he could play the flute better than Apollo and challenged the god to a contest.
He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him.
N-COUNT Challenge is also a noun. 挑战
A third presidential candidate emerged to mount a serious challenge and throw the campaign wide open.
→ see also challenging