are discounted to their present value » 贴现至其现值 chew out » 张朝_______ But I know this love between us is growing stronger » 但我知道我们之间的这份爱日益强大 ..
chew someone out 谴责某人 ; 责骂某人 ; 叱骂某人 ; 训斥某人
同义词: call on the carpet take to task rebuke rag trounce reproof lecture reprimand jaw dress down call down scold chide berate bawl out remonstrate chew up have words lambaste lambast
以上来源于: WordNet
V to reprimand 严厉斥责 [美国英语] [非正式]
Reward exceptional performance in public; correct and chew out inferior or slovenly performance in private.
Instead of eating hunched pleasurably over a book, I look out of the window and chew every mouthful thoroughly, aware of every single oat and nut and dried bit of apple as it goes down.
After food, rinse your mouth out with water or chew sugar-free gum to encourage saliva, which neutralises the acid.