[ 复数 dresses 第三人称单数 dresses 现在分词 dressing 过去式 dressed 过去分词 dressed ]
wedding dress 婚纱 ; 结婚礼服 ; 婚纱礼服 ; 摄影基地
evening dress 晚礼服 ; 夜礼服 ; 燕尾服 ; 夜号衣
dress up 穿上盛装 ; 打扮 ; 装饰 ; 装扮
formal dress 礼服 ; 号衣 ; 正式服装 ; 大礼服
dress shoe 皮鞋 ; 绅士鞋 ; 时髦鞋
ONE-PIECE DRESS 连衣裙 ; 布拉吉 ; 连衫裙 ; 连衣裙小游戏
dress rehearsal 彩排 ; 带妆彩排 ; 最后彩排 ; 总彩排
Sunday dress 最好的衣服 ; 最佳的服装 ; 某人最好的衣服 ; 最佳的衣服
DRESS COAT 礼服 ; 燕尾服 ; 号衣 ; 大礼服
Custom changes lead to variation of dress. Costume is a symbol of culture .
参考来源 - 服饰与文化变迁Great change happened to women's dress from the year 2000 to 2006. This paper purposes to find the rules of dress's changes through the study of wearing silhouette changes from 2000 to 2006.
参考来源 - 2000年到2006年女装廓形的研究Chinese ancient dress veins adopt the animal ,plant and geometry design .
参考来源 - 民族服装服饰文化及其图案纹样设计的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"we had to dress quickly"; "dress the patient"; "Can the child dress by herself?"
同义词: get dressed
"Parents must feed and dress their child"
同义词: clothe enclothe garb raiment tog garment habilitate fit out apparel
"dress the surface smooth"
"She dresses in the latest Paris fashion"; "he dressed up in a suit and tie"
同义词: dress up
"She likes to dress when going to the opera"
"dress a turkey"
同义词: dress out
"dress troops"
同义词: line up
"dress the windows"
同义词: decorate
"dress the salads"
"dress the plants in the garden"
"dress the tanned skins"
"dress the victim's wounds"
"dress the horses"
"dress my hair for the wedding"
"a full-dress uniform"; "dress shoes"
同义词: full-dress
"a dress dinner"; "a full-dress ceremony"
同义词: full-dress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A dress is a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl. It covers her body and part of her legs. 连衣裙
She was wearing a black dress.
N-UNCOUNT You can refer to clothes worn by men or women as dress. 服装
He wore formal evening dress.
V-T/V-I When you dress or dress yourself, you put on clothes. 穿衣服
He told Sarah to wait while he dressed.
V-T If you dress someone, for example, a child, you put clothes on them. 给…穿衣
She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes.
V-I If someone dresses in a particular way, they wear clothes of a particular style or colour. 打扮; 穿着
He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority.
V-I If you dress for something, you put on special clothes for it. 穿礼服
We don't dress for dinner here.
V-T When someone dresses a wound, they clean it and cover it. 清理包扎 (伤口)
The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds.